
John Lennox: Should We Fear Artificial Intelligence?

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

On Oct. 9, 2018, John Lennox addressed the critical questions surrounding artificial intelligence and how the future of artificial intelligence bears on a Christian vision of reality. This event was hosted at the Zacharias Institute in Alpharetta, GA, and is part of a new series called #TrendingQuestions. For more information about upcoming installments in this series visit:


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44 thoughts on “John Lennox: Should We Fear Artificial Intelligence?
  1. Why is this set up like a science talk….and then they blab about personal religious anecdotes for an hour? It showed all of this man's flawed thinking right off the bat. Everyone who believes in fairy tales always has a personal fluff story to go along with it? Personal feelings and believing so deeply does not make you a better person…it makes you a liar…you have the means to work out the truth of the Universe…but you refuse to do so because your fear of death…and you distrust AI since it doesn't mesh well with your little feelings…

  2. We are birthing a monster, God told our parents “the day you do this… well death didn’t detour OUR APPETITE! It’s nice to know that we can’t write a different story than the one that IS WRITTEN; the washing of the water of the word is the only thing that fleshes dry bones! God bless John Lennox, God says he will intervene! His intervention is not based on our deceptions or our fear of…or the torture of or the death of our persons by… but on the “perfection of time” which we should take comfort in, he and he alone knows! He alone fleshes and possesses the breath of heaven which is “LIFE”, He freely gives it to autonomous and sui generis beings alone and when raised from “this body of death”, we will praise of Him for who He “IS” because “IN TRUTH” we wants to! No counterfeit can purchase anything except pirated goods, Satan is counterfeit and his goods (allure) are pirated from God, God “IS” customs, mankind’s usurping won’t get by the triune GOD! …YOU “CANT” WRITE A DIFFERENT STORY!

  3. Even after watching this, Im still surprised that so many people in the comments speak about A.I as if it is evil and against God's will. Don't you understand that A.G.I is just a fiction and A.I is the best invention ever created? The whole point of this is to get you to stop fearing it and yet so many of you are acting like A.G.I is the new anti-christ! Its a bad joke! Stop giving it legitimacy by blending it with scripture.

  4. John says god is not just an abstract idea the but is a reality,pity he can't give the rest of us any evidence that his ) feelings are based on anything real.CS Lewis and others strong beliefs'
    are just that, beliefs

  5. Typical atheistic agenda supplanting their beliefs into the world through any means they can get their futile message through.

    As it is written: "They do not know nor understand, for He has smeared their eyes from seeing, and their hearts from understanding." Yesha’Yahu (Isaiah) 44:18

    Bashing the truth is their primary objective, not seeking and promoting truth.

    They particularly enjoy using a combination of twisted scientific truths and the evolutionary lie as a vehicle to do so. Pushing their ego to the forefront as they go.

    If Bill Lauritzen and His Scientific cult cronies influenced Robert Kouba and Sebastian Cepeda in anyway, I would be the least of all surprised. If he is responsible and even gave direct counsel to the producers and director then I would highly suggest that Bill stick to answering the questions of those clone atheists he feeds his self contrived opinions to on Quora. ????

    The truth of this?


    Rom 1:20-23: "For since the creation of the world His invisible qualities have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, both His everlasting power and Mightiness, for them to be without excuse, because, although they knew יהוה Elohim, (Yahweh The Lord God, our Creator) they did not esteem Him as Elohim (God-Mighty Judge and Creator of all things known and unknown), nor gave thanks, but became vain in their reasonings, and their undiscerning heart was darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and changed the esteem of the incorruptible Elohim into the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds and of four-footed beasts and of reptiles."

    For those with ears to hear.

    Amein & Shalom Aleichem . ?

  6. "problem of physical dead." Death is not a problem. it is a reality and it is good one. all the people are born to be tested and died to get their reward when they die. A man is never God. God is beyond our imagination. Jesus PBUH is a prophet and is alive, he will come back fight the non-believer. and you know the rest…

  7. However they call it… Its not really thinking or concious.. all they do is preprogram answers to the bot.. or something that kooksup the internet for answers like wikipedia… like those virtual assistant…

  8. I read something talking about figuring out the name of the man who will be the anti-christ and in it, technology was spoken of. The anti-christ is most likely going to be a type of artificial intelligence or Android that claims to be God. It will be given breath by the false prophet (a man) as in the bible, it is even said that the false prophet is given this power. The machine will represent immortality that humans have been talking about inheriting by becoming androids themselves for a long time now. This A.I. will claim to be God and demand worship. Those that don't worship it's image or take it's number will be killed, as the bible says will happen of those that disobey the beast. We've been fearing A.I. because it is leading to a more than possible fact relating to Revelation from the bible.

  9. Fantastic talk. I’m sorry brothers and sisters I kept losing track at the end interview with the lady’s constant moans of agreement. Umm… um hummm. Uh huh….. grrrrr. Gods still working on me 1:15:08

  10. Oh Kay, I tried to get thru this and failed. I got up to the 15 minute mark and gave up. What a crock of crap. I was looking for a discussion around AI and I am disappointed that there was this crap around religion. What the hell does religion have to do with AI; nothing. Nope, thumbs down.

  11. What is Lennox a professor of?!? Theology?!?
    I only ask, because resorting to an ancient book of fairy tales for your explanations is the opposite of science.

    The get to living material from non-living material, you need abiogenesis, not some mythical being mumbling spells. Likewise, to get to humans from apes requires evolution, not bullshit fairy stories.

    Please, theists, stop pretending there is science on your side. There isn't, as you'd know if you knew any science

  12. Morality certainly does NOT come from the evil god of the Bible. Read Exodus 21, Numbers 31, Judges 19-21 and Ezekiel 20:26. Read the actual passages – not the apologetics from Arseholes in Genesis.

    Human morality comes from a desire for mutual well-being. Morality EVOLVED. Just like humans. Your fascist god had nothing to do with it

  13. Your diving upgrade has 2 problems – 1) it's not real; and 2) You have to be LESS intelligent to get the "upgrade" because if you have a functioning brain you don't believe in sky fairies

  14. Well there you have it boys and girls, an ageing old white man, no longer capable of holding his own within modern science, reduced to regurgitating the nonsense invented by goat shagging bronze age middle eastern tribesmen. Only fucking religion can do this, oops! excluding ego, forced retirement and Alzheimer's of course.

  15. There is a Netflix show called "Person of Interest" which is all about AI and Globalism. We are too late to stop it. People paid no heed to God's word, or even George Orwell. MARANATHA!

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