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24 thoughts on “Jon Kabat-Zinn – Mindfulness, Healing, and Wisdom in a Time of COVID-19
  1. Will Tuttle wrote in his book, The World Peace Diet, that all we impart to animals comes back to us. In his chapter about reaping and sewing, he poignantly discusses these things in a very loving way. I urge everyone to get and read his book, or look it u online and read it.

  2. His recommendation on sitting with the questions with unknown answers and listen deeply to where the questions are coming from, so powerful, helped me today

  3. I could not be more grateful to you, Jon for being you and sharing you in this way for so many of us during these very challenging times, Even when I can’t join live coming to these sessions later on YouTube are incredibly grounding. Much love to you.

  4. You are a human treasure. Thank you for this meditation. This is such a complicated time. I felt much less alone listening to this knowing so many others embrace and understand this.

  5. 'Could not get into the discussion group, although I tried my best to join you. See you tomorrow morning at 11:00 am. Started learning from Jon Kabat-Zinn three decades ago in Cambridge, MA. Find your (CD) training on meditation & physical pain very helpful.

  6. I found this video on April 8, 2020, Orange County California. I am grateful for Jon Kabat-Zinn's work with USC La Jolla Mindfulness projects where I got acquainted with MBSR and studied the work. It has been helpful for me during this Covid-19 time where the whole global community has been affected. Mindfulness is essential for good health and happiness of mind. Thank you for the reminders to be present and use this time as meditation retreat – the bliss of solitude to know our mind and internal resources.

  7. "3 or 4 weeks of this would completely eradicate the virus" — Jon! NO! this is wrong. You're a great guy but you're not tuned in scientifically to what's going on.

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