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29 thoughts on “Joseph Dispenza – The Brain, Quantum Physics & The Observor and Creating Your Day
  1. I am so grateful to the Universe for you Dr Joe. You are amazing at what you do and I am learning and unlearning by breaking the old me. I am ready for change and true Consciousness living. All of our awareness is inside just need to pay attention ???

  2. Thank you for posting Neurokarma….these videos illuminate Dr. Dispenza's ideas in a very easy to assimilate way. It reinforces my commitment to my daily practice.

  3. As a neuroscientist and physicist, I can tell you that there is a big mix with accurate info with very speculative argumernts. When it comes to quantic theory, it is totally speculative. The therapy methods that he uses are hypnosys and medidation and positive thinking. it works for centuries without any needs or connexion with any quantum speudo science. And if there is quantic what are the quantic particules that you are talking about and how do you measure it in human behaviors?

  4. Thought belongs to this universe we call the quantum field. The brain is in the matter universe. Just like the body, just like a car just like a planet and so on get it.

  5. We can be brain dead in a coma state. However, we think and dream just the same. Because we think near the brain, we think it is brain lol. It is not the brain that is doing the thinking. It is thought which is the quantum field. Try to touch a thought it is not possible. Try to touch the brain it is possible because it is matter.

  6. Dr. Joe is confused with the brain and mind. We cannot measure thought but we can measure the brain. The brain is just matter. The mind is in the realm what scientists are now calling quantum field.

  7. I love that Dr. Joe gives us work to do to prove the science of Quantum Physics. I like to think our reality is driven by our thoughts or beliefs sort of how we drive our cars… It's a fun way to think. When I worry over my mother, is she okay, etc. I thank God for taking such good care of her. And I know nothing could ever harm her, not physically because she is not really made of matter even tho' she sure looks like she is. When you KNOW God is GOOD, and you KNOW mankind is really Good, you have nothing to fear in Heaven or Earth.

  8. I appreciate the fact that you share your insights as freely as you do. Thank you for sharing with us the nuts and bolts of How to use the quantum field and the fact that the observer effects that which is observed. Peace to you and yours. Blessings to you and your family.

  9. Dr Joe, you are a great teacher. Your research and ideas and facts are so well explained. There is absolutely no way we can say that we cannot improve our life after listening to you. Thank God for people like u.

  10. Our greatest potential is creation it self . something from nothing
    that will change all mankind . We must think and feel beyond any man
    made boundary, beyond anything that has ever been though of before . We
    must go to the outer fringes of our mind and stretch beyond that limit
    that we feel and creates resistance and fear . This is the last
    frontier of mankind . Total extended conscious awareness of all that is
    and beyond . This all takes place WITHIN us . We must look inside for
    this new dawn of existence ! Bringing a NEW inner awareness to all life
    for all mankind .

  11. I haven't even watched the video but I'm just saying, this title has two different forms of the word "and" and is missing the oxford comma so I have no fucking idea what's going on.

  12. He has an unusual flowing quality while he talks, not only does he know his topic well, but speaks it with conviction. Just discovered Dr Joe, really good !

  13. I have to say I expected to hear a bunch of unscientific, unsubstantiated junk from this guy and I did not.  I agreed with what he said, except I am not sure quantum physics is even needed to support his ideas.  And I know a bit about quantum physics and the ideas of observation impacting results. 

    Here, what is explained is that we are free to choose how we want to react to the stimulus presented and from our repetitive actions we form a reality.  The apple familiarization he discusses, and this would be cruel, not suggesting this be done, anyone could perhaps create an awareness of an apple as a evil, demonic thing in a child's mind by presenting such information.  The child would have unusual ideas that would need to be sorted through.  Perhaps they realize the evil idea as pure idiocy because they already have concepts of who to trust, that people can lie, or perhaps they succumb and learn that an apple is a demonic, scary object.  

    Could be unlearned, would take effort and reinforcement, apples do not kill, they are fun to eat, taste good, pleasing, etc. 

    So, in our everyday world, perceptions about ourselves, who we are, what we can do, achieve, our worth, what people think about us, what we think about ourselves, these are all like apples. 

    So I agree with the lecture, but why quantum physics, other that the idea our observation impacts reality. Perhaps.  But to me its more our decision on what we think of the observation impacts how we will react to future observation, but we are not changing external reality.  It will still rain. the car will still break down without oil change, but how we react to these issues can be changed which over time can lead us to totally different lives, since where we are today is the sum of all the decisions we have made up to this point. 

    Keep reacting the same, making similar decisions and we will likely stay in the same place in life.  Start having new reactions, make new decisions and over time where we go in life will change.  But will reality change, are our new observations/thoughts changing reality?  Not really.  It will still rain but we can smile instead and those smiles can lead us elsewhere.

  14. Does 'creating your day' translate into the idea that one can create their own destiny? That one can create their own outcomes or change outcomes for themselves that would have been inevitable otherwise? What he says seems to indicate that, if you follow along the same path of reasoning. The mind can influence the body to heal itself, and one can 'create their own day' so if one creates enough 'days' they are in the same vein, creating their own destiny?

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