Consciousness Videos

Julia Mossbridge – Is Consciousness Entirely Physical?

Closer To Truth

Here’s the big question about consciousness, our inner experience of what things feel like. Is consciousness a product of the physical world alone? Because if consciousness is the output of the physical brain by itself, however complex, then consciousness as physicalism would defeat those who believe, or hope for, the existence of nonphysical realities.

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Julia Mossbridge, M.A., Ph.D. is a Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), the CEO and Research Director of Mossbridge Institute, LLC, and a Visiting Scholar in the Psychology Department at Northwestern University.

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20 thoughts on “Julia Mossbridge – Is Consciousness Entirely Physical?
  1. Let's say we could create a very sophisticated machine that could objectively sense the existence and category of an object. This machine cannot judge. It cannot substantiate value. It can only detect existence and category. It has no ability to detect essence or meaning.

    Take this machine and hook it up to a brain. The machine reports one word: "brain." The machine reports the existence of a brain. Does the machine have consciousness?

    Personally I think there are a lot of idealists in the comments section. But what do I know? I'm conscious.

  2. Consciousness allows us to perceive the world around us.
    Consciousness allows us to connect with others. Consciousness allows us to create meaning in the world. Consciousness allows us to experience the world in new and different ways. Consciousness allows us to access our inner selves. Consciousness allows us to connect with the larger world.
    Consciousness is a complex and mysterious phenomenon, but it is also one of the most precious gifts that we have.

  3. Her fallacy is that we can understand how physical material processes in the brain can produce consciousness, but you can never explain how consciousness can create matter out of nothing.

  4. LOL- What a load of rubbish. Robert got her to admit that even if consciousness were proven to be purely material, she would still insist on her ontology- imo that says all you need to know. Well, that and the fact that she apparently believes in esp as well, why am I not surprised? LOL.

  5. Julia is centuries ahead of her time! Neurophysiology needs to get rid of its fanatical empty materialism before it can truly understand consciousness.

  6. Couldn't it be that consciousness uses the brain for its sensory experience . If consciousness is fundamental then the material make-up of reality is a construct. Our consciousness is looking at the material structure it creates to be able to see its self. he evolution of self / awareness.

  7. I would disagree with the premise that the only thing we can truly know is what we experience directly. What we experience directly is a type of knowledge, but there are other types of knowledge, namely explanations that solve problems. For example, we understand the laws of physics well enough to fly rockets to space. Is Julia suggesting that we create physical reality with consciousness? In other words, that there is no objective reality, only subjective? I don't see why that would obviously be true. How can consciousness be primary if the universe existed before consciousness did? Or would Julia's argument imply that consciousness somehow came before the universe?

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