
Kintsugi: The Art of Embracing Damage

On the Japanese mending practice of Kintsugi. To discuss this further, follow me on tumblr and use the Ask Me Anything feature here:

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Video courtesty of


Christy Bartlett, “The Aesthetic of Mended Japanese Ceramics”

Kintsugi, The Art of Broken Pieces

Blake Gopnik, “‘Golden Seams: The Japanese Art of Mending Ceramics’ at Freer”

Shoppers World: Japan’s Ancient Art of Lacquerware:

Wikipedia page:

Kwan, Pui Ying, “Exploring Japanese Art and Aesthetic as inspiration for emotionally durable design”



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50 thoughts on “Kintsugi: The Art of Embracing Damage
  1. Oh yes. Let’s mock young earth creationists because that’ll bring us good karma, vibes, juju, energy, luck and really make us appear non judgmental and kind towards the beliefs of others…

  2. This video made me cry my eyes out. I suffer from anxiety/depression and I feel so messed up and broken at times. The western views of mental illness especially in the black community is so judgmental. It is so taboo to talk about mental health, and if you do talk about it, they want to label you as "crazy". This video made me look at myself differently and in a positive light. Thank you for posting it. ♥

  3. I love the analogy and all… but, people do not break. People suffer. And i think it can be problematic to keep equating our suffering to brokeness (even if that heals, and even if that heals with a golden lining), because objects break. And we are not objects,

  4. 1:32 I'm not a young earth creationist, but this joke was out of pace with the video. I mean, it started off insightful and thought provoking… then a UFO animation?
    meh… just my 2 cents…

  5. "Kintsugi symbolizes the truth that repair requires transformation, that the pristine is less beautiful than the broken–and that the shape of us is impossible to see until its fractured, until a wound, like a crack, runs its length." What a gorgeous and artistic metaphor for life.

  6. What an amazing way to look at broken "things" in your life! I have decided not to revert back to my old, comfortable self that I was in teens. My 20s broke me in ways I couldn't even talk about, but I know how to move forward now. So, thanks!

  7. Thanks man. Very inspirational. Abandoning certain Western ideals, namely the more superficial ones & embracing more Eastern philosophy (as well as those from all around the world ie. Latin America & Africa) has definitely made me feel more whole again; at the risk of sounding too cheesy.

    But it's true. I'm not very proud to be an American. At all. To those of my Cherokee, Comanche & Moorish descent… I'm just a little white girl. To those in Germany, Holland, Britain & Ireland that I share heritage with… I'm just a "stupid American." Caucasian not being one of those races that lovingly opens it's arms to their own, outside of the realm of ignorance and racial pride… & having little to no connection with my other heritages.. the ones I'm more fond of… it's made me feel very displaced most of my life.

    But, I think it's also been a blessing in disguise and helped me to appreciate being a human being above all things, and have a greater appetite for welcoming all the people of this world as my brothers & sisters; looking on them in admiration & craving their love & affection. Even if some of them wouldn't have me; because of where I'm from or how I look.

    It's been a hard life & I've always been more fond of those who have had to endure a struggle. Not as some right of passage or prerequisite for being in my circles… but generally, because they make better company by their very nature.

    Comedians are some of the most tortured souls on this planet. Most artists have endured or will always endure a certain amount of pain to be able to express those more profound/intense emotions through various media.

    Those of us who have had to have their cereal with tap water growing up, or go without breakfast at all, or had to submit to the dignity-suck that school meal programs & government assistance can be… we tend to appreciate the little things more & just be thankful to be alive. (We know that there are others who still have it much, much worse than we ever will. We suck it up & grin & bear it.) We aren't usually the type to throw a tantrum at the register & verbally abuse the poor, underpaid retail/food worker for not accepting an expired coupon. We don't complain about the petty or the trivial. We know how to fend for ourselves & think on our toes if our phone dies, if we get into a bind, if theres only 3 odd ingredients in the cupboard to make do with for dinner. We know how to walk to & from work or school & be happy to have a bed or couch to lay on afterward; even if that walk is 2+ hours long.

    "Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light" It's been said.

    I've always loved that.

    The rich have their struggles sometimes too. Those that don't want any part of the superficiality of those corners of the world & long to embrace the simpler things in life that money can't buy… we must remember to not be bitter & keep a place in our hearts for them as well. But… having grown up in a suburb near L.A… those misplaced souls are few & far between, sadly.

    For many people here & ironically in many Eastern countries nowadays… appearance & status are King & substance, moral fiber & genuine personality hold little value.

    Honesty, dignity, patience & kindness are kind of dying out & most people don't seem to care. Even if they know it's wrong or don't like it… it's easier & more convenient to go with the flow (even if things are flowing in the wrong direction) than it is to swim against the current.

    Those of us that aren't afraid to wear our scares, to go against the grain, that will always stick up for what is important & right… we always have been & always will be the ones to make this world a better place.

    Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. got flack for everything he did, the changes he tried to make; it literally killed him…
    Einstein (though not the most morally sound gentleman) is essentially the founder of modern physics.. But was thought to be a lunatic during his lifetime.
    Van Gogh was seriously disturbed… but who isn't moved or inspired by his works??
    Every astronomer, philosopher, scientist, artist, inventor… was a social pariah & a "crackpot old fool" in their time… but all have gone down in history & become imbedded in the foundation of modern society & have been immortalized by their "audacity to go against the grain" & the successes that trickled out of their "crazy" ideas.

    The broken will always be the best fixers. The imperfect will always tell the story of how damage makes you better, stronger & more beautiful than when you were "whole".

    Nature tells this story through the aging process. Children are "perfect" to some. Innocent & blissfully ignorant, quick to heal, youthful appearance, endless energy… but, all the while; they're too naive to appreciate any of it.

    Perfection isn't real. It's a lie we have been chasing since the beginning of time & it's the longest running cosmic joke ever & most people, even if they think they have… don't ever get to the punchline… or don't 'til it's too late.

    Imperfection is perfection. More beautiful, more intricate, more difficult to calculate & made of the happiest of accidents.

    The modern age has tainted many facets of our world, even modern Buddhism has gone astray from the original ideals, morals & realm of spirituality.

    But, you guys should look into synchronicites. Be wary though… you'll be hard pressed to find an article or video on the subject that doesn't present it as a tool for monetary, material gain or "success". I've found many speakers on the subject to be much less submissive to the greater good & more self seeking. The pseudo intellectuals buying & wearing "healing stones" & arranging "prayer alters" all mined & made through human exploitation & slave labor… you think the spirit guides like this? You think mother Earth appreciates this? You think Karma & her friends are really going to reward you for abusing her channels for personal gain & pleasure? You think that all you have to do is send out your energy & tell the universe how badly you want something… then "detach" & it will magically come to you? If this method is working out for you… may I remind you (?) that all realms of existence, physical or otherwise… contain the balance of good & evil & propose that if things are working out for you a little too well… the wrong spirits are helping you… as the force of evil benefits very much from the masses of sheep indulging in selfishness & materialism.

    There are millions of children enslaved in child sex trafficking rings, being raped & photographed everyday (hundreds of thousands of which are here in the U.S.) … Millions of impoverished people around the world being trafficked & forced to work in sweatshops to make your goods everyday… those ones you complain about being "so expensive."

    You think this is a time for peace & passivity? You're too weak to stick up for those children & babies.. But you think you can kneel before an altar & hold a rock & the cosmos is going to reward you right now??? You think you deserve the delights of this world, when you have made little or no sacrifice to help those msot in need?

    Are you so good because yoy prayed for them? Because you left it all in God's hands, so you didn't have to incovnenience yourself by doing thr right thing & actually helping them!?!

    You think it's the governements problem, & that because you voted for the "right" candidate… you're done doing your part?!?

    You BLIND FOOLS!!!

    You wanted to leave the hard work up to God?? To the cosmos? The spirits? Our enslavers/leaders who sold out all of us & all those poor children & impoverished people?

    You thought you could hand the banks, the chain grocery stores, chain restaurants & tech companies your money… keep buying your fast fashion, your cheap food… your slave-made home furnishings… & that because you "weren't harming anyone yourself" that you wouldn't be punished?? Oh, reeeally now? Is THAT how you think this works? ???

    Well honey, I've got news for you. God is here, always has been, always will be. But, in handing evil men & women your money… You've locked your God in a cage… & as sooon as they get out… & it will be soon … Since you wanted to leave all this up to God… You're going to get everything you asked for & more ?

    Does the name Julian Cadablancas mean anything to you?
    Now look at my name….
    (We don't like Christians but the clues are what they are…)

    Thanks to those fancy weapons… we habe to wait… Or this planet is a firecracker ?

    But as soon as the last grain of sand falls through thr hourglass…

    You seld righteous, egotistical, spoiled brats… Are mine.


  8. I am going through a broken heart, and this video helped me see my pain from a new perspective. Thank you for making me aware of the art of Kintsugi

  9. I literally don’t comment anywhere in social media, but for some reason this video changed something in me, as much as loved the content I loved the way you put it! Thanks a lot…

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