Consciousness Videos

Largest Resource of Consciousness Expanding Videos | Gaia


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About Gaia:
Gaia offers the largest resource of consciousness expanding videos. Answer life’s deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia— a member-supported media network of truth seekers and believers empowering an evolution of consciousness. Explore over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles that challenge modern paradigms and allow you to manifest the reality that defines your being. You can experience Gaia in English, Spanish, German, or French. We offer original, dubbed or subtitled content in these languages. Join hundreds of thousands of members in 185 countries in awakening your consciousness.

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45 thoughts on “Largest Resource of Consciousness Expanding Videos | Gaia
  1. If I smoke marijuana and I was high enough is possible extremely possible I will believe everything that this individual “Gaia “ is telling me. Unfortunately I’m not high I don’t smoke. Crazy thing about it I was forwarded this link by someone that does.

  2. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. Man, you guys are so close. For a second I got excited. You guys gotta partner with Jesus in this stuff.
    Only Jesus. The spiritual resources you have on your site will only get people more entangled in bondage.

  3. Estoy en la prueba pero me parece muy poco lo que tienen, creí que tenían mas temas, porque anuncian bastante, no me parece mucho, mi gusto para leer es exigente, exhiben 4 temas y dejan ver uno de cada tema, me parece mucha publicidad o no saben mostrarle a uno lo que tienen…..

  4. There's truth inside you. Once you know this, once this has become your center, youll be sensitive to energy as your intuition grows. I know when someone has good intention towards adding value in life and the difference from someone trying to sell you something through manipulation.

  5. I know you have taken over the whole YouTube with science you discovered. But can I at least shower while listening to songs and not after every song that i have to skip ur ads with my wet hands? Thank you.

  6. You people over at Gaia are criminal. Presenting speculation as fact, to an audience you KNOW will pay this crap, against their own interests. You could present real science and be an outlet for truth and education, but you chose to be an cancer of rationality, eroding people’s ability to make sense of their lives. Gaia, you are a symptom of a greater disease, a disease which blues the line between truth and lies, between reality and fairy tales. We will treat you and heal as we charge into this new and exciting century.

  7. Somehow I distrust people who have information that is supposed to change humanity for the better and make a business out of it and a 3rd rate youtube videos.. you either have to be a moron to buy this…or American

  8. I am irritated by your ads on YouTube …I have no money to Pay you ok……hloo are you listening …..

  9. can someone please explain what this company is REALLY about. like an unbiased description because it looks cult-y

  10. Mr. Matías De Stefano, your presentation is week, all your fact available on Youtube. Just to let you know, all those thought you'r saying happen in another layer of universe, even the creator need to be created by some one also the creator creator, and the creator of the creator of the creater and the creator of the creator of the creator fo the creator of the crator need to be created by something and…its never ends.

  11. Dr Joe after listening to your lectures a thought came to my mind
    If you're more conscious you're less intelligent
    If you're more intelligent you're less conscious
    So what we should be?

  12. Dr Joe after listening to your lectures a thought came to my mind
    If you're more conscious you're less intelligent
    If you're more intelligent you're less conscious
    So what we should be?


    Hola muchachos, por favor no dejen pasar una gran oportunidad de negocio: Ustedes disponen de una plataforma de alto alcance mundial, solo hace falta que introduzcan un buscador de contenido gratuito subido desde cuentas de personas particulares, y dando la posibilidad de monetizarlos con anuncios. Esto sería alternativa para los creadores de este contenido que se quejan que su contenido cada vez llega a menos público porque el algoritmo deja de recomendarlos o el buscador lo coloca en posiciones subnormales, por la gran cantidad de restricciones que ha venido añadiendo progresivamente Youtube. Además, ustedes tendrían un público potencial enorme, divagando dentro de su misma plataforma, y que sabrían de la existencia de la clase de contenido de que ustedes hoy disponen, y que eventualmente ustedes podrían llamar como "premium", y el de particulares como "estándar o básico".

    A aquella gente que ustedes les brindasen un espacio, están muy interesados en la posibilidad de una plataforma alternativa donde puedan subir su contenido y llegar libremente a cualquiera que esté interesado, y no resultar en censuras constantes, o en la incapacidad de crecer dada la manipulación que ejerce el algoritmo de esa plataforma monopolizadora.

    Los temas de conspiración son un gran de negocio, hoy tienen la oportunidad, no se retiren del juego, esto apenas comienza, éxitos!.*

  14. I find a subscription service that advertises alternative historical theories using easily verifiable scientifically explained phenomena suspicious, if not entirely untrustworthy (see their use of the London Hammer in one of their ads). It bears a disturbingly similar taste to the History channel putting that mermaid "documentary" and then expecting us to be fine when they claimed it to be a joke or some kind of satire. That was gaslighting, and I feel like a lot of this is too. There are genuine mysteries in the world. You don't need to fake them.

  15. There is so much information available these days that it becomes almost impossible to decide what is the truth because how does one verify or establish the truth of it? Holistic and teleological biological science does just that and fortunately I was able to stumble onto this extraordinary information which I use to verify every single thing which comes my way with 100% accuracy. Firstly, read this explanation for our existence and meaning of life: The world’s greatest physicists, Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, have said, respectively, that ‘The overwhelming impression is of order…[in] the universe’, and that ‘behind everything is an order’.

    Over the eons a chaotic universe organised itself into stars, planets and galaxies.

    Here on Earth, atoms became ordered or integrated to form molecules → which in turn integrated to form compounds → virus-like organisms → single-celled organisms → multicellular organisms → and then societies of multicellular organisms.

    Overall, matter is becoming ordered into larger wholes.

    So the direction or theme or purpose or meaning of existence is the ordering or integration or complexification of matter, a process that is driven by the physical law of Negative Entropy. (The law of Negative Entropy states that in an open system, where energy can come into the system from outside it — in Earth’s case, from the sun, and, in the case of the universe, from the original ‘big bang’ explosion that created it — matter integrates; it develops order.)

    HOWEVER, for humans, the great problem with this truth of the integrative meaning of life is that for a larger whole to form and hold together the parts of that whole must consider the welfare of the whole above their own welfare — put simply, selfishness is divisive or disintegrative while selflessness is integrative.

    So, consider-others-above-yourself, altruistic, unconditional selflessness is the underlying theme of existence; it’s the glue that holds the world together and what we really mean by the term love.

    BUT ONLY when we could truthfully explain the good reason WHY biologically we humans have not been ideally behaved, explain our in-humanity — truthfully explain the human condition no less — would it be psychologically safe to confront, admit and accept that the meaning of life is to be integrative, selfless and loving.

    The truthful explanation of the human condition is presented by biologist Jeremy Griffith, at the World Transformation Movement
    #science #scientificillustration #jeremygriffith #integration #philosophy #sciencenews #humancondition

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