
LeagueAI: An AI Playing League of Legends using Deep Learning


This demo shows an AI agent playing League of Legends using the LeagueAI framework. The LeagueAI framework uses object detection and other machine learning methods to provide information about the state of the game. The agent uses this information to take actions such as attacking, retreating and pushing the mid lane.

The code is available on Github:

My paper on automatically generating object detection datasets for video games using domain randomization:

Music provided by Argofox:
Everous & Canonblade – Gleam


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20 thoughts on “LeagueAI: An AI Playing League of Legends using Deep Learning
  1. Hey dude, how hard would it be to automate a voice program then tells you when your trinkets are up so you know what to ward and stuff? im very tunnel visiony and i hate it, id love something to shout at me and remind me what i gotta do xD

  2. i want to do something similar. i was thinking about writing a little game that simulates the laning phase with minions only so the bot could just learn to farm.
    Should have same physics as real minions though.
    But with a simulation like this you could let the NN learn way faster than realtime. The only problem is: how do you transfer it to real league of legends?

    Also i have a question for you:
    do you draw the boxes onto the image and then process it with the NN or are the boxes just for your information and the position / size of the boxes are passed into the nn?

  3. Dude this is super cool stuff! I am really interested in learning about this leagueAI you are doing. Do you think there are other league AIs that have made it to high elo right now?

  4. the inputs are the entire frame or just getting the 4 attributes FROM the input frame? because inputting the frame with the attributes derived from it seems redundant..

  5. this is sooo cool. I think advanced AI bots will be the future in practicing different situations in League. you could run the same situation over and over again. (teamfights around baron etc) Would be very efficient and beneficial for pro players.

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