Consciousness Videos

Level Earth Observer The Flatardgandist Is Spinning Out At The ISS Flat Smacking Capabilities


Adam i FE is trying really hard, but so far he has yet to produce any evidence. His sum total of ISS debunking is
“It looks like an Airfix model and some bog rolls”

STS 119 HD ISS Fly Around Sped Up

Adam i Fe Returns: Flat Earthers Globe Destroying “Proof” Falls Flat on its Face!
SciManDan –

Flat Earth: Scimandan helps me debunk the iss, thanks Dan👍
Level Earth Observer –

Flat Earth: A really bad week for the globe pantomime company
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31 thoughts on “Level Earth Observer The Flatardgandist Is Spinning Out At The ISS Flat Smacking Capabilities
  1. there is so MUCH troll about the flat earth! i would pay 1 Million to see your face the day we'll be able to proove that the earth is flat and not a random planet in a bigbang univers lol.

    what is stupid for me is that believing that man come from monkey! We are more close to a pig than a monkey! Wake up sheeple.

    All Nasa video use a kind of distortion! They claims they are able to see curvature at 60,000 feet ( first lie from them ) while public test show a flat horizon at 120,000 feet.

    when you learn about the real history and about the history of Nikola Tesla, you enter in the conspirationism side of the world. 1890 we were able to have electricity wirelessly! you were able to plant a light inside the dirt, and this one was lighting up.

    do we have that kind of technology today? 120 years later? absolutely not. The only thing we have that is close to it, is the neon being able to light up near a Tesla Coil.

    If you have a tesla Coil, you are able to light up a neon near the Coil because the coil is surcharging his surrounding of electromagnetic energy!

    With Tesla, no need of Oil or Petrol.. why do we use them?? only for the destruction part and the economy part with the slavery that it engender.

    The official Theory explain that Pyramids have been made by primitive human 10,000 years ago!! Come on Sheeple… they are made with a laser precision that even today, we would not be able to accomplish!

    The earth is a spinning ball but the pyramids are pointing to the same stars for 10,000 years and more?!! Ask questions!

    We are not a spinning ball in a random Bigbang universe that travel in the empty space at 660,000 Km/h while rotating around the sun. With that theory, there is no God. With the official theory, there is no god! You born, you live and you die. that's it! it's the end.

    On the other side, we have an enclosed System we call earth, This earth is a disc of divine light in an infinite expension to be able to welcome all the newborns. How stupid it would be to create a huge amount of life in a limited world… This is not how it work!

    The earth is a dimension for life, not a planet, but a Plane-T for Terrestrial Plane or Dimension!.

    The reason you go back to the starting point if you go straight forward is because our universe have more than 3 dimension, the 4th dimension is a kind of '' tesseract 4D cube '' which create a loop in space time!

    You can't leave the earth physically. You can leave the earth if you die or if you elevate your conscious to a point where you are able to change your own vibration in a quantum level and atomic level. (Everything is energy and frequency/vibration before matter!)

  2. Quote "the length and the period of the swing. That's got nothing to do with Falcault pendulum" unquote.

    It's Foucoult and if you can't even look up the proper name than it's no use to ask you to study basic physics. either

  3. That was awesome footage at the end!!! I see by the pinned comment that LEO doesn't accept that which he asked for. No surprise there. I swear you could bring some of these Flerfs into space and put them on the ISS for a month and the would explain it away as some sort of 5G-CGI-Virtual Reality-Matrix thing that never really happened!

  4. Wally, you probably already saw this, but it's worth repeating. After he found out another commercial pilot already completed his silly challenge to Wolfie, LEO ran away. 🤣 His claim is with ten minutes of uncut level flight video showing the window view and instrument panel LEO was going to 'destroy the globe', but instead he dropped the subject. Might be worth highlighting in your next video.

  5. When I want expert analysis on ISS or anything space related, I always ask the nearest crane operator because they know these things.

    Now, if you'll pardon me, I have to go to the zoo to have the brakes fixed on my car

  6. Does he suffer from Tourettes? "Airfix Model — Bog Rolls" ad nauseam.
    And of course he never bothers to give evidence of ANYTHING he claims.
    What a surprise.

    If only we could power a generator with so much unfettered incredulity… the world would never have energy problems again.

  7. I worked on a shipboard inertial system in the Navy. An Inertial Navigation is based on the ability of gyro to keep a gimbaled table level. The table has to be extremely level so that two accelerometers can sense acceleration in the northernly and southernly directions. The system requires a digital computer to add accelerations into velocity and update the change in position in term of latitude and longitude. The ship moves in three planes of angular motion, pitch, roll,and yaw and the gyros control gimbal motors to maintain a stable level attitude while keeping they yaw toward due north (not magnetic because gyros do not care about magnetic north). There is a problem, as the ship moves across a curved ocean, the gimbals must be constantly brought back to true level. At polar latitudes, the angular position changes rapidly and a submarine that crosses the North Pole would have extreme repositioning of yaw. The problem is resolved by slowly locking to a equatorial pole and then system accuracy is not impacted. You might guess that subs would really need an accurate INS readout of location.

    I was a tech that operated the SINS system on an aircraft carrier, we did not need the accuracy for physical position but to maintain the stable platform both level and pointing to true north. We sent vital pitch, roll and yaw data to various fire controls onboard ship and ins data to the A6 All Weather bombers so they could navigate to their targets.

  8. I'm reading a book about the possibilities for extraterrestrial oceans (Alien Oceans, by Kevin Hand; really good so far) and it struck me: flat earthers can't really believe in atoms, can they? Particularly if you've got a periodic table of elements. You can only observe atoms directly with just the kind of apparatus that also demonstrates gravity at work. Radioactivity drags you on to quantum mechanics, and gravity again, and a physics that assaults the dome, the firmament, the luminaries, and all the rest of us, from every angle. Something as simple as the explanation of what happens when ice crystals form and hexagons of water molecules shift the angle of their bonds connects immediately to refutations of the density gradient stuff as sufficient to account for real phenomena.

    I'm sure I'm not the first, or thousandth, to wonder about this, of course.

  9. It doesn’t matter how much proof you give them, they still say it’s fabricated…..I just want to take them in space and open the hatch 😉😊

  10. LEO is not trying to debunk the globe Earth, he is defending his ego. If the Earth is a globe, then his special knowledge is naught and he is reduced to a dimwit.

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