
Linguistics and Discourse Analysis

i tutor

A prezicast on linguistics and discourse analysis. .


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22 thoughts on “Linguistics and Discourse Analysis
  1. Well, this is a lovely walkthrough of linguistics in general, but I can't really see the discourse analysis aspect here.

  2. you speak so fast and in a quiet voice I cannot follow and understand. This video is supposed to explain, but it made things even harder.There are non native speakers of English watching such videos to learn( you have to take this into consideration)

  3. it is really helpful and well presented. thanks a lot. another important aspect, that I think should be mentioned, is the principle of differences between signs. that is, Saussure states "a sign makes meaning through its difference from other signs".

  4. Its perfect but it would be a lot better if you spoke slowly man, not all of us are native speakers!! so please next time pay attention to this area.

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