
Lobe | Deep Learning Made Simple – Intro Tour


Lobe is an easy-to-use visual tool that lets you build custom deep learning models, quickly train them, and ship them directly in your app without writing code.


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32 thoughts on “Lobe | Deep Learning Made Simple – Intro Tour
  1. Great video. Could you please add captioning/subtitles to this video? Auto-generate does a decent job (although Lobe gets called loeb, lo bai, logue) but you can take the transcript, clean it up, and save as actual English captions. Thanks!

  2. I imagine all those that, in the domain of hacking, are called 'script kiddies' wondering around in this 'app' and just mixing up a few useless 'lobes' and coming up with a little program that functions but the elements of which they don't have even a vague idea of. And then that ruins the experience of AI for pretty much all real AI developers. I also imagine business-minded people just building some kind of 'thing' in lobe that they'd be able to sell pretty well, and basically all of AI will shift from being a true research domain where important things are built to just a business domain where all you do is sell stuff.
    Open letter to Americans: please stop ruining every awesome thing with your money-hungry brain. It's alright; money doesn't buy you everything.

  3. Amazing demo! It would have been neat if you told us that the background music was composed by AI at the very end of the video. Cheers! : )

  4. I really like this explantory video. Maybe you can do more such training videos, and go into more details (within different levels of difficulty) for ML newcomers. πŸ™‚

  5. Been advocating the no-code thing since the 80s. Been coding longer than that. Now that this is available for AI and Machine Learning… OMG This is what I was looking for. Lets get beta-ing. All praise to you guys for making it come true.

  6. The best thing is about your UI.. its damn and amazing.. I m pretty sure that you guys would be on the top deck.. looking forward to invest in your company… But I have a doubt, are these videos clips or real time works..?

  7. That's a powerful tool, congrats and thanks. But how can i sign in using my Google account to the latest version of the website?

  8. The is exceptional, I'm curious to know what the early proposed pricing plans for this tool will be. I doubt it will be free to use.

  9. Thank you for this video – while it is a promotional video about your AI UI it contains a lot of advanced concepts about AI and that tought me a lot

  10. We need it now in full version!!! there is a lot to do with this idea. It can changes a lot perspectives, it should be adaptable to Mac, Windows and Adroid. CanΒ΄t wait to see the creations of the people with this

  11. I want to use it for a project but I can't yet because its only in beta and I have to have a start up or a job in order to sign up and get an account. You said in the video that I could just sign in with my google account but apparently not πŸ™

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