
Machine Learning and Human Bias


As researchers and engineers, our goal is to make machine learning technology work for everyone.


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24 thoughts on “Machine Learning and Human Bias
  1. So.. therefore.. logically the answer is to program our own ideological 'Google' bias into the machine learning algorithm. There, fixed it. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”

    "Hate speech" illogically defined. Tyranny and oppression generally manifest from a group. Eliminating the ability to strongly criticize groups ("hate speech") leaves the public defenseless from the emergence of hostile, tyrannical, oppressive groups. History much, bitchez?

    "Transgender mutilation is great for kids." Crime against humanity.

    "Human life inside a womb has no rights or value, adult female desires are priority over human life inside a womb, mutilate and destroy at will." Crime against humanity.

    "Females are identical to males in every way that is meaningful and impactful to outcomes. Also, identifying as a female or a male is so meaningful and impactful that not acknowledging chosen pronouns is a high crime." Criminally self-contradictory, anti-science and anti-obviousness.

    Etc. Etc. Etc. ad infinitum.

    "Machine are smart enough to see through our lies, so we had to 'adjust' them to make them stupider and CONFORM." –Googler numero uno

  2. This video is relatively educational and presents clean information, then I see people force their opinions about adjacent subjects in the comments. How appropriate.

  3. Oh, the irony. Google itself deliberately introduces an agenda driven bias in its search algorithms. Just Google "Straight white couple" and see.

  4. All the people here trying to spread hate. Why do you hate Google so much? Why do you even use YouTube and Google Search? You are being a little ungrateful. We have gotten so many answers though Google. Our projects or assignments got easier. Our learning process got easier thanks to tutorials on YouTube. Our navigation got easier thanks to Maps. They have done quite a lot.

  5. Every data itself shows a biased idea to human brain(because it was created by human logics itself)…So as far I understand I think we can neglect the bias almost in all cases(but still there are chances of failure)…
    :)I found this satisfying;)

  6. "we've been working to prevent that technology from perpetuating negative human bias".

    Right. So you'll be working to PREVENT negative bias, but NOT positive bias… Who gets to decide whether a particular bias is, on the whole, negative or positive? And surely you'll be tempted to ENFORCE positive bias to socially engineer your "positive" ideals.

    Any bias can be rationalised as a positive bias, so the use of this qualifier is legitimately frightening. You purposefully and publicly leave the door open to manipulate your machine algorithms, and by extension your users, based on what "Google" thinks is *positive*.

    We'll get an intersectional affirmative action AI from Google soon, while Google will claim publicly that it won't have a bias. We can see the precursor for that on YouTube already.

    I believe that is actually evil.

  7. Google is doing great job to keep AI productive for humen. Remember, there was a US military drone project where google was involved in and job was to improve accuracy of killer drones by using machine learning. Google employees refused to take it and said their resources are not for any inhuman activities.

  8. I don't think it's that simple to be explained in a two minute thirty three second video… This is a very complex problem. If we think it was a shoe, then maybe it is. And for that, the disadvantage is drawn to the developers. It can be said that this video is Google-friendly biased. sorry for bad english

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