Consciousness Videos

Making Room for Machines: Getting Ready for AGI

World Science Festival

Join Turing Prize winner Yann LeCun and other pioneers in artificial intelligence for a no-nonsense discussion of whether a truly intelligent machine can be created—and, if so, how and when. The “thinking machines” that Alan Turing postulated in 1950 have already vaulted beyond us in specific arenas like chess, Go, and Jeopardy. But if we achieve artificial general intelligence, it may take only seconds for our creation to surpass us in every other arena as well. Will humans fight to the end, seeking to restrain such super intelligence, or join forces with a power never before encountered, perhaps bringing about a new utopia? Or, will we simply and quietly become irrelevant? The field’s leading thinkers will debate and discuss the engineering and the ethics required to make room for machines.

This program is part of the BIG IDEAS SERIES, made possible with support from the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION.

PARTICIPANTS: Garry Kasparov, Yann LeCun, Hod Lipson, Shannon Vallor

MODERATOR: Daniel Sieberg


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43 thoughts on “Making Room for Machines: Getting Ready for AGI
  1. If you can’t know how much a 10 years old kids can learn, I bet you can’t predict how much knowledgeable a AGI computer can know 10 years from now, not to mention 20 years from now.

  2. Right off the bat this Hod Lipson guy is twisting words to make his research sound more important. That robot arm and the accompanying software did not figure out that it is a robot arm. It merely figured out the positions of its components. And it is obvious from the video of the early trials, that the length and size of all of the parts we're already put into the system. Literally, the only thing the system had to do was figure out how to tell where it's parts were positioned and build a model of that. This is a remarkable feat. However, anyone who conflates this with "knowing that it is a robot arm," is really not anyone whose opinion I want to hear about artificial intelligence.

  3. Ai and robots can be used in warfare, the first country that builds a deadly robot army and puts it on the field will sweep all other armies until other countries can come up to speed, in a world that is moving faster and faster, remember when Hitler set his army on the battlefield and introduced blitzkrieg, it took 2 years to slow it down and 2 more years to stop it, can we now allow a hostile government to create and release a deadly robot army into the world

  4. If all govts know how they will handle them, coz all robots cannot be taken to prison,courts,rehabilitation,therapy consultations ,psychological counselling, then humanity shall be able to create room for them. Psychiatrists,psychologists,prison boxes,police bosses,school teachers,…we're supposed to be invited to discuss this complex subject, in order to be able to handle this huge technological innovation.

  5. This is why i dont watch TRASH YOUTUBE i watch this rather…meantime people are losing their F*CKING heads because of what they see on trash tv and YouTube about """"""evil"""""" AI. People are so ignorant seriously.

  6. Better this better that yeah yeah yeah. These breakthroughs are absolutely incredible, however the groups that power the control systems over society are controlled by corporate elites… that’s not even mentioning military driven goals and those powers

  7. the more me learns re a. Turing the more i'm in awe re his capabilities and horryfied re the treatment he received by society in his time and place …

  8. Just a thought from my perspective.
    Might it be that the problem about not being to predict what isn't as mach about AI as about us not fully understanding the goal definitions that we are feeding it.
    When Shannon talks about the race game example shouldn't the instructions be separated into 2 with condition?

    1. Win the race.
    2. Gather as much points as u can provided 1

    I see a great niche for mathematical logic here.

  9. Just a thought from a biological perspective 2.
    When hod is talking about 2 types of intelligence (brain & evolution) it looks like it's the same concept as evolution & memetics (or a process that drives it 🙂
    Maybe it's not that different after all

  10. Just a thought from a biological perspective.
    If we eventually achieve a level where we can create AGI it will look a little bit like we are starting something like a new species to me.
    Assuming it will be connected to a global network and that we would run many instances (different companies, different governments etc) it might be reasonable to try to have an influence or at least learn how they interact with each other.
    In animal kingdom this might sometimes not end so well even on a sibling level AGI looks like a higher level affinity 😉

  11. Yann is lying. He knows very well that AGI is closer than a few decades (more like a few years tops). He also knows that scares the shit out of people and that scaring people (in this particular manner) is not a good way for him to get more funding.

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