Consciousness Videos

Martian Speculations and Beyond with John Brandenburg

New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove

John Brandenburg, PhD, is a plasma physicist. He is author of Death on Mars, Beyond Einstein’s Unified Field, Life and Death on Mars, Dead Mars Dying Earth, Morningstar Pass, and The GEM Unification Theory.

Here he describes his concerns about nuclear war as he worked in U.S. government weapons laboratories. Eventually he became captivated by the possibility that the “face on Mars” indicated intelligent life elsewhere in our solar system. Further research led him to conclude that the presence of certain isotopes on Mars were evidence of an ancient nuclear war. The discussion concludes with his forays into science fiction writing and his explorations of a government UFO coverup.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series.

(Recorded on February 12, 2020)

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John Brandenburg, Life and Death on Mars –

John Brandenburg, Morningstar Pass: The Collapse of the UFO Coverup –

Able Archer 83 –

Ian J. Miller, A Face on Cydonia –

Richard C. Hoagland, The Monuments of Mars –

John Brandenburg, Cosmic Jesus –

Michael J. Benton, When Life Nearly Died –

Alexander Bostic, The Fermi Paradox: Where Are All the Aliens? –

Chris H. Hardy, Cosmic DNA at the Origin –

Victor Norgarde, Supulveda –

John Brandenburg, Beyond Einstein’s Unified Field –

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21 thoughts on “Martian Speculations and Beyond with John Brandenburg
  1. The face on Mars has been officially debunked for over twenty years, according to NASA. Why would NASA lie? And if you believe NASA is lying, then what else could they be lying about?

    "Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon that causes people to see patterns in a random stimulus. This often leads to people assigning human characteristics to objects. Usually this is simplified to people seeing faces in objects where there isn't one."

  2. What they don't seem to realize is that ALL the engines have quit. and the pilot and copilot have dropped dead from heart attacks. The remaining flight crew is too timid and stupid to ask the passengers if there might be a pilot among them because they don't want to risk creating a panic.

  3. Just incredible. All speculative of course but if we can gain anything, it could be that nukes are to destructive to house on our home planet, but we may need them to defend ourselves from some judgement. The universe seems quiet, as a small cog, I’ll do my part to furthering a multi planetary humanity. Thank you so much Jeffery I appreciate you and this effort.

  4. I haven't read his books, but I really want to now, but I assume there is a project bluebeam vibe if nobody could see the aliens because it was cloudy!

  5. The fusion reactor or flying car thing – check out "The G-engine's are coming" article on Scribd or many other places, then check out "The origins of the hunt for zero point" on Nick cook's YouTube channel, then compare the sketches of the concept craft in said article, with the 2005 "Tic-tac" UFO, near identical.

  6. Even people like John are being shadow banned on YouTube searches. I haven't googled him for a while, but if every other search I've undertaken is anything to go by – he's also being suppressed there – not surprising considering Google owns YouTube, but a bit paradoxical when you remember the pentagon told him to – "Publish"!

  7. Seems like I read about some remote viewers that RV'd Mars millions of years ago and they found a highly advanced race that had been at war for a very long time with the next planet over in the solar system – which is now the asteroid belt after Mars blew them to smithereens and the resulting back-blast was enough to wipe out Mars also. I've often wondered if the Earth was in the vicinity at the time and was the beneficiary of all that water being blown off Mars' surface and coming down to Earth?

  8. When I was a teenager I was creating a story about the plant after Mars, now an asteroid belt that was in close orbit to Mars and in fierce competition with each other. Mars developed weapons as well as the belt planet. When the two planets were in their closest orbit to each other Mars launched their attack on the belt planet utterly destroying it. What they did not consider was what a planets destruction would do to their orbit, rotation and atmosphere. Not to mention causing the destruction of the planet in such close proximity. The backlash of destruction caused the destruction of Mars. But before all of that both planets were colonizing earth. Not for civilization as much as experimentation and a work force or, "slave race" all fiction in my mind. I have other stories I've told people over the years and some have pointed me to a book, saying my stories were very simular to this book. A book that is supposed to be a history of our planet and its title is earth's true name. I don't want to mention the book but some will know what I'm taking about. Im not a scientist I'm just a simple person that wanted to write books. But hearing this stuff makes me wonder.

  9. Silly . lol . Mars may have been inhabited , Lovelock guessed so .. but the faces were no evidence at all were they . A good ruse for world peace tho .

  10. Enjoyed this interview very much

    It’s almost certain that Mars was an Earth like planet billions of years ago.
    Pretty much everything however which is speculated about Mars today is just that ….speculation.

    We need to focus in how to stop the Sahara becoming the landscape of much of Africa and 50% of India becoming desert over the next few decades.

    There is no evidence that there are pyramids or monumental faces on Mars. I wish it was true but there is no evidence.

    The very first “scientific” speculations about Mars we’re wrong. Through primitive telescopes astronomers were convinced that they perceived a network of water canals crisis crossing the planet. There are none but there are dry natural water channels (former rivers)

    We need to get real. Where is the piece of metal from a UFO which has been tested openly in labs across the globe?
    There is none because there are none. I believe evolved alien creatures must exist somewhere in our Universe. The probability is that to reach our level of development is likely to be very rare …. perhaps only one civilisation per GALAXY and perhaps for only a few thousand years.

  11. isotope levels could be like that for many much more common sense reasons regarding early planetary formation, I find this more interesting from a psychological perspective into how people process and project a worldview to justify personal issues…. the intellegent man can talk himself into anything, especially if it serves his narrative for a coping mechanism – a common thread with top down thinking and some of your guests. Sorry to be devils advocate, I enjoy imagination, flights of fancy and intellegent people are entertaining…and I really enjoy your interviews, great job!

  12. The series John Carter of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs has some very good scientific grounding in relation to this discussion.
    Layman UFO Investigator
    Stephen Ray Miller, BS, AS, MENSA, Retired
    Beaver, Utah

  13. Stumbled on something puzzling, and hope it's alright to share a link. Saved a screen shot of Cydonia from this interview and then looked at JPL images of the Galaxias Chaos region that Dr. Brandenburg mentioned. There is something at Galaxias Chaos that is shaped strikingly similarly to "The Bastion" at Cydonia, like a mirror image of The Bastion. What strikes me most is that the longest side is interrupted in the very same place by a small, round shape. Additionally, the sides of each bend in the same subtle ways at nearly the same points. I put them side-by-side here: Was always undecided about Cydonia, but I didn't know a lot. This similarity may help push me toward a decision. And I just noticed the shape seems repeated about 1/6 the size at the top of JPL's Galaxias Chaos image referenced in the document at the link.

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