Consciousness Videos

Melvin P's Strategy Is Structured To Fit The New Reality – Is Ours?

Quantum of Conscience

It’s a mistake to examine it’s tactics and strategy using our understanding of the OLD reality. Melvin P. will adapt to what exists today, so we must too, in understanding it. (Here “Melvin P” represents the Notnilc itself. Melvin P. of the House Kathy Bates, is just a pawn. He may not even decide his own brand of peanut butter and longs for the non-existent Jiffy.)


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42 thoughts on “Melvin P's Strategy Is Structured To Fit The New Reality – Is Ours?
  1. Matt if you want to see something insane about how scripted the reality possibly is – especially the political – just read the Wikipedia page for Titus Andronicus – I believe Titus to likely be trump, partially because of the references to his red face and his daughters name Lavinia and so on etc (using this as a starting point its not hard to speculate on whom or what some of the others represent) – the description of the play, when you really read it, you can see everything that happened in the past years metaphorically playing out in one way or another. I think Lavinia may actually be representative of America as a whole. So the whole play seems to have themes that play out on the individual level and the national level (and then even planetary level with Saturn/Titus/Titan etc) – it’s quite insane. When I saw your latest video about the zuckborg, I remembered the video you had shown and decided to just do a look into the phrase he said about the baby ray sauce (knowing ray is this weird new-age, messianic reference the globalists use – also has weird connections with cern and the Lucius trust, which donates to and works with the EU – Lucius is also a character in the play – yeah it’s insane) – and when I searched the baby ray sauce phrase, I saw the name of a psyop – which then lead me directly to one actor -who’s last play in 2019 was some sort of continuation of Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare (written by him according to the reality, highly desputed and in my mind, quite obviously it wasn’t written by him – and has rosecrucian/Masonic/ Francis bacon (and associates) symbology all over it. So much so that one of the characters is blinded in one eye and another loses a hand – all seeing eye – hidden hand etc.)
    My mind was a bit blown and I’ve known much of this has echoed throughout the realities supposed history in things like the Bolshevik revolution and ‘operation trust’…but it appears if these writings are legitimate that we are in fact not only being used to create the reality by today’s media, but also subconsciously playing our scripts from some of the oldest literature in the English language in addition to the obvious scripture/script that appears to have been a guide that was (at the very least) taken and edited at some point by the very same writers behind the works of Shake-Speare. How the hell does any group of people do this – the more we see the more I cannot shake the feeling that we may have already been put into a simulation type reality and the current agenda is to push humanity even deeper into a second matrix within the matrix. Is this actually possible..perhaps the supernatural force of this reality is the so called ghost in the machine – slowly approaching its next singularity. Idk I’d love to see if anyone had any thoughts on this play and some of these ideas. Much love guys.

  2. Remember the non stop stories before Covid was even pushed of random people licking donuts, icecream, food items at stores and putting back on the shelf?
    That's how reality does business.

  3. In response to Matt's commentary on "turning up the dial in certain areas" and 5g.
    Remember "truth in movies"?
    Think of the scenes in the movie The Kingsmen where they turn up/activated the chips in cellular phones and everyone goes ape shit.
    Now think of the violence in large cities in the last few years since implementation on 5G.

  4. Its new for our world ya know? Like some type of Order that's New for the World. There's gotta be some sorts evil catchphrase here just can't put my finger on it hehehehe

  5. So, when i was a kid, and im around your age, there weren’t this many people.. at some point, maybe mid nineties, there was an onslaught of population explosion. All my age remembers a smal town. My small town is a traffic congested mess with millions of strange faces. BOOM

  6. The big push will be to get everybody vaccinated, because as long as there is a 'control group' (the un-vaccinated) by which future outcomes can be compared, then this could always bring down the house of cards. This will be via deaths of children as vaccines are introduced into this age group. The un-vaccinated will then be coerced through mandatory vaccination declarations……that is when the guerilla war begins.

  7. China is lying about the cases. Or, they just don't have any.
    The people who got sick over here are all in tight groups. Either you know of a few cases personally, or ZERO.
    Maybe that's why there is such polarity about if it's real or not.

  8. You seem a little too fixed on us being the minority, Matt. A million people marched in London last weekend and the msm, and you apparently, seem to have ignored it. There's no way they'll let the community be the reason the lockdowns wont stop. That would give us way too much leverage over the situation and give our perspective mass attention and legitimacy.

  9. Good video, lots to think about. The other day, i was asking my wife about what happened to ww3 with Iran, Isis and Alciada? Did they people just lay down their arms and back to their fields? Then, the other day, there was story about Afghanistan and there is the mention of how Alciada spokes man spoke exclusively with CNN. They were quoted the same garbage we heard from 2001 to 2010.

    I was like, here we go again. Uncle Joe is activating his old buddies again. Also, i am glad you brought up 5g. what happened to the all 5g research by the truth community?

  10. Amazing Polly has a pretty good take on this topic. C&P This header over at bitchute HOW EVIL CAUGHT THE WORLD – EUGENICS IS BACK – (AMAZING POLLY)

  11. Let me just say that if someone is doing evil, they aren’t going to contemplate whether they’re harming republicans or democrats. Both “parties” are causing damage to society on their own side and their oppositions side. Putting labels on things (Democrats vs Republicans in this example ) is just another way to create division. And division creates weakness, which will be exploited by politicians. This division is frustrating. Division creates opponents. If you didn’t have an opponent too blame, who would be to blame but yourself ? That’s when change really happens, when there’s no one to blame and you have to take accountability. Eventually we will realize it, not before lots of bloodshed and death though. Hopefully some extraterrestrial beings make contact with us so that we can see unity in one another. We need something inhuman to remind us that we’re human , that we’re all on the same team

  12. Like the planned 'elections' that we have no say in, pro sports are all remote controlled. Like the magnetic card scheme in Oceans 11, all balls have a thin metal strip around them. Think of all Tiger's golf balls that roll past the hole and inexplicably turn around and go right in! Lol Remember the uncanny 'talent' of the Harlem Globetrotters? Yeah

  13. FYI for the noobs, were not suggesting the world is run by demonic beings. We are absolutely telling you it is run by evil beings and they play us like a ship of fools on the river of insanity.

  14. personally, i think you're adding complexity unnecessarily by assuming there must be something going on other than normies being too stupid/lazy or being too affected by cognitive dissonance/denial/etc. personally, the "download" idea just seems like a huge arbitrary leap.

  15. To me, one of the biggest strategies was w tv, the social conditioning. Oprah, back in the day, then jenny jones, Jerry Springer, maury, etc, get people really used to these dramatic nutbag ideas, normalizing strange tendencies. Tv shows got even more dramatic, then reality shows. How many popular hospital shows have there even been so far? Humans have devolved into dopamine addicted fools, w their phones, tv, movies, social media, etc. Now they r living out a very dramatic event, sad, but I really do think this is some their mindsets. I feel lucky to have grown up around the amish. My amish friends have always told me the tv is evil, I did understand what they meant, but the reality of what they meant is really in our faces now. Without television this could NeVeR of been pulled off. It was gradual, they really had to dumb humans down. Mindless idiots, w no real life skills, at all. Who can start a fire w their own hands? Know how to find good potable water? How to forage for food? Basic human skills for survival. If school was more than a capitalist (now communist) indoctrination program those would of been the first skills we would of learned

  16. Even among Jedis, while the cement has not hardened, make no mistake that we can still be cornered if the circumstances emerge so. I just traveled in a time when any long-time woke person would want no part of it. When you're separated from your family, who need a "Daddy," then a decision must be made. I wouldn't get the jab at gun point (except for own gun to their needle, literally,) but I used extremely careful and preventative measures to block the insertion of hydro-gel or nano-tech via a prepackaged PCR, with careful practice using a peroxide coating near the BBB. Im also in quarantine on my own dime. It took a huge risk, but in 3 days ill be in the hardest to reach, famous tourist destination in the world, without the soon guaranteed jab passport. I was cornered and did what I had to do, but a time may someday come when we jedis lose that fight that because we never intended to be in it.

  17. is melvin p. a.k.a. pill golden gate bridge??? married to manlinda gate bridge…mork & mindy?? I been listening to at least 15 videos but still haven’t figured it out. could be the vatika prince. a.k.a. the holy see you in hell.

  18. It has to be a human download through the AI hive mind. At least from a pedantic standpoint. When looking at the lyrics to "Toxicity" by SOAD "Conversion, software version 7.0" very fitting.

  19. on Facebook no one except me actually writes their own ideas and opinions. everyone else just copies and paste or puts up memes. it seems to me like most of my friends are programed by the media and believes everything this government controlled media tells them. i hate it. its all judgment and negativity.the Covid Champaign couldn't of worked better. all it took was highlighting a virus with a .06% death rate. there's no end to their fear Champaign. it literally looks like a SCI FY horror movie out there. blinking signs everywhere you drive saying 'wear a mask' stay 6 feet a"stay home"! this has been going on for a year now.remember these lock downs were supposed to last 2 weeks. im so frustrated with all of this. Covid is all bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Liberals and others system slaves: "I don't agree with any of your sense that I am unable to fault or debate in any way… you are being divisive"

  21. I had the opposite experience I hardly knew anyone who voted for Hilary and even fewer for Biden. I’m not talking about my county or home either, I’m on the road all day, and work all over southern CA. I’ve never even seen a Biden bumper sticker. Just an odd amount of giant Trump flags and you know those like little billboards. Whatever!

  22. Every time Matt does that beyond cringy YO self, YO self thing I come dangerously close to throwing my iPad against the wall. Please man, don’t do that anymore.

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