
Michio Kaku with Steven Pinker and Dan Dennet – Origin of human consciousness

Sky Today

Thank you for watching : Michio Kaku with Steven Pinker and Dan Dennet – Origin of human consciousness.
Host Dr. Michio Kaku speaks with Steven Pinker and Dan Dennet on the topic the origin of human consciousness
Thank you have been seen and doing them the discussion on your home, We hope the information and research in will cheat for useful information, thanks!
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12 thoughts on “Michio Kaku with Steven Pinker and Dan Dennet – Origin of human consciousness
  1. When you have your DNA tested, you are giving away too much. There is no way they will not use your data against you at some point in the future, assuming we live long enough to have a future.

  2. I believe that this Universe is actually part of a much larger mother universe consisting of a multiverse. I believe that big bangs happen all the time and that our universe was not a unique event

  3. A Universal Big Bang goes off in our heads every time we think.
    There is a Galexy in every drop of water that we drink.
    You could miss all of time in the time it takes to blink.
    Connect the dots you need to find the link.

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