Consciousness Videos

Mind Over DNA: Transforming DNA from the Inside Out (Our Conscious Future)

Transcendental Meditation Dr. Schneider explains why TIME magazine says that your DNA is NOT your destiny.

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Giving a new angle on epigenetics, he explains why and how you can use consciousness, what, and how you think, as well as lifestyle choices, such as exercise, diet, supplements, and stress management, to improve your genetic makeup. He traces the historical development of modern medicine from the surface levels of surgery, to the finest levels of modern genomic medicine, and introduces the concept of quantum medicine and the role of the Transcendental Meditation technique in epigenetics.

BIO: Robert H. Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C., is a physician, scientist, educator, and one of the world’s leading authorities on scientific, natural approaches for heart disease, high blood pressure, stress, and other cardiovascular risk factors. He is board-certified in preventive medicine, a certified specialist in clinical hypertension, and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology.


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15 thoughts on “Mind Over DNA: Transforming DNA from the Inside Out (Our Conscious Future)
  1. completly agree. i practically took off my finger at work. I challenged myself to heal my finger over a day or 2. That didnt happen but the energy and thought i put into it healed my finger in 4 days. Me nor my wife could believe how fast it healed. No scar either. We actually had to check and make sure we was looking at the right finger. JS

  2. A new study published in PLOS ONE now shows that Transcendental Meditation and lifestyle both stimulate genes that reduce blood pressure and extend lifespan. Visit theuncarvedblog (dot) com for details.

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