Consciousness Videos

Mindfulness Changed My Life

Shir Levi

From how I am able to choose what it right for my body, to how I am able to find inner peace even when emotions are overwhelming or situations are extreme. Mindfulness has made me so much more relaxed and connected to my intuition by grounding me in the moment. After years of depression and anxiety I am now truly able to build a life for myself that I love and to grow my happiness every moment knowing that it is truly all there is. For all of this and much more I am forever grateful to my practice of mindfulness and I an exited to see where it will take me next in my life.

I would love to hear you stories and experiences with mindfulness and meditation. And as always, thank you for being part of my journey through life.

With love ❤️
Sheer Lev


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34 thoughts on “Mindfulness Changed My Life
  1. I love your energy, ok I am 59 lost job. everything. I am a sensative I read people. We can sence danger. I don,t want money, property, One of the best gifts is that no matter what I will be ok. I medatate and learn new things pratice mindfulness. I look at all this as the way the of human experiance .I have all these ideals we need more imagination and truth . Why isn,t knowlege given ? I look at our ideal of life,doesn,t match not happy, fear. I am a seeker, thank you I needed the message

  2. It is true as you said…there is something inside our self that when found out, even a little spark of it will change completly your life and bring it to a stunning inner journey to find out the full part of that spark

  3. I have watched many many videos on Mindfulness but non of them have connected with me like yours, I have trouble focusing long enough and I know this is an anxiety issue but your video has given me the hope that I can meditate successfully, thank you very much ❤

  4. I liked this video very much. I got interested in the subject recently and watched many videos. Your message comes accross very clearly. Kudoes for the sincerity and being so smart.

  5. Very inspiring. I try to practice these things every day. I only hope to meet more people in this life who think the same thing about this. I think people who consciously live more often have walked a lonely path or are still walking. The loneliness and pain is necessary for your transformation I think.

    Thank you for your inspiring message. keep Shinning!

  6. Shir, thanks for uploading this video. I am glad mindfullness worked for you.The founder of Vipassana(mindfullness),the lord Sriddhartha Gautama came up with the technique almost 2600 years ago.With his effort and courage to free all sentient beings from samsara still effective in this day and age.May you walk the noble path and find ultimate bliss or serenity.Sadhu sadhu Sadhu..

  7. Okay, so just watched quite a few of your videos (while I wasn't signed in unfortunately) but just signed in, and although I didn't watch this video yet, I just want to say that I find you such a positive, inspiring, helpful, funny and creative young beauty who truly strives to help others.
    Glad I found your channel and look forward to watching this and more of your videos tomorrow.
    Blessings to you!

  8. Just found your channel and I am glad I did. I just recently begun to use meditation and yoga for my anxiety. It was so helpful to hear your success story and makes me motivated to incorporate it more throughout my life. Thank you!

  9. Hi, Im watching You from few days, and I want see all from You, but because i am in very hard situation, btw Capricorn-can do everything and the best-Im ready to do one, I really want to be Psychotherapist and want to learn it, and I dont know how to do it?
    I have no Graduate from school, thats why it would be easer, but is not. Could You please ask Your Husband, how to do it?
    What steps I need to take, to do my dream and natural job? Thank You so much-Anna

  10. Watching you and other fellow youtubers who practice mindfulness (all happened to be vegan smh ?) make me wanna get more into meditation and spirituality. I feel like I'm lacking something, a little connection that could help me going forward easily, and I think it's spirituality.

  11. While I was meditating one day, I saw my soul self as a blue/green light being I floated towards it,and merged with it.A few days later I went to a spiritual/consciousness festival and got an aura picture. My aura was the same blue/green that I saw myself as.

  12. If you go through your day without connecting or feeling, and just observing; it seems like I would be like a robot? its kinda of confusing to understand how it all works, even though you explained it. Even to meditate, I have tried for years and would even to to classes , but ended up getting discouraged, because others would come out of meditation seeing vivid colors, etc.. and i would be like Charlie Brown on Halloween " I got rocks" :-)) or nothing… I really want to understand this:-)

  13. Dear wonderful earthling, I discovered your channel about a year ago and I just want to send you a big THANK YOU. Your thoughts, advices and inner questions already inspired me when I was living my daily life in my country (France), but now that I'm in Indonesia for a teaching project, it all makes even more sense.. Mindfullness is truly my No.1 ally to enjoy this incredible adventure 400% despite the culture shock, and to get back to Europe with no regrets. I'm grateful for everything I discover, everyone I meet, and I'm grateful for you just existing, and sharing your inspirations here. Cheers to karma for creating Shir Levi! And cheers to you of course from Java!! Have a beautiful colorful day!

  14. I've been doing meditation for a month, and it's AMAZING! Thank you so much, your video has inspired me to keep on meditating, and not give up, as I'm going through a lot of problems recently 🙂

  15. Mindfulness is like mental fitness! I say this all the time. It was really neat to listen to your journey and what brought you to mindfulness. I really related to the physical ailments that pushed you toward being more mindful. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Mindfulness has brought huge changes to my interactions with the world. it gives me insight into how I behave and really helps me to deal with the serious anxiety that comes as part of who I am. I see much more beauty and possibility and it gives me space when I'm emotional to not react harshly too quickly. thanks for sharing your wonderful energy and genuineness!

  17. theres so much love in this. thank you for reminding me the important essences. Always have trouble to commit and focus on mindfulness. thank you <3

  18. I'm trying to practice mindfulness but even this evening I reacted to my stress in a negative way and now I feel like I failed and have to start over. I want to accomplish being calm during all issues.

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