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Minecraft 1.11 Simple Minecart Station Tutorial


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This minecraft tutorial will show you how to build a simple back and forth minecart station.

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49 thoughts on “Minecraft 1.11 Simple Minecart Station Tutorial
  1. Working in 1.16 – make sure hoppers are connected to each other and the dispenser correctly by looking at which way the funnels on the bottom of each hopper go. Sneak-click to connect to dispenser/place rail on hopper.

  2. Super belated comment – But wondering if this tstill works in 1.15? I've been trying to make it work and it seems as if hoppers don't transfer side to side anymore

  3. I am 1.15.1…Dispenser doesn't produce rail car to track above it. All else works exactly as in the video. Is this a problem with the newer version, since this was built in 1.14?


  4. Hey there, thanks so much for this design. It's now my standard minecart station design that I use every game. Just wanted to let you know I've made one tiny tweak to your design to make a small quality-of-life adjustment. Instead of a solid block, I place one fence/wall block next to the dispenser (on the side away from the cactus and the hoppers) so I can see past it and right-click on the dispenser to check how many carts are stored in there (and easily remove crap that falls into the hoppers if you're doing work nearby and some cobblestone or something gets into the system). Thanks again. Such a great, elegant design.

  5. For anyone struggling with either of these problems or both

    1.) The redstone connects even with the block above it (3:16) and it stays powered

    2.) The cart shoots off right away when you hit the pressure plate

    For the first problem, just don't add the THIRD bit of redstone that he uses. Don't ask me how, but it still works.

    Second just use a normal rail on top of the dispenser. It will still allow you to push off and move just as his is shown.

  6. This is awesome but my hoppers dont seem to work. The minecart doesnt go into the dispenser but gets stuck at the second hopper. Any help?

  7. This broke on the recent updates for both Java and bedrock. The minecart no longer waits for you, and just dispenses and takes off unless you select it quickly.

    Any chance of an update?

  8. I'm having trouble with this. I step on the pressure plate, but that doesn't turn the torch off and thus the minecart runs away before I have time to get into it. Is there anyone who can help me with this?

  9. Because you maked an error, you forgot to say to people, that is necesarly to insert into the Dispenser 1 – 9 pieces of Minecart's. 😛

  10. Love the video. But. I'm searching for a combination. Two people need to use the minecartsystem at once, so I need a to and a from line. I need to combine those with the automatic station and I cannot figure it out. Maybe something you could do in a tutorial?

  11. Gotta say, this is by far the most efficient train station, had to hammer out some kinks but works awesome in 1.12 at current moment for my rail station/factory line (personal use, haven't touched the ore side yet).

  12. X, did you know that boats can ride in minecarts?
    Did you know that holding back while riding in a boat that's riding in a minecart causes the minecart to move at full speed, even without powered rails?

    Two seat minecarts! I like to keep a llama in the second seat for storage (but also mostly so any passengers have to ride the llama)

  13. Can't you deliberately activate the pressure plate so that the minecart is sent back to the side where it started? That way the minecarts don't stack up on one side.

  14. For 1 directional, or non-symmetrical travel, you can keep minecarts at both stations by adding a comparator somewhere along the hopper chain.  Whenever the comparator detects that the hoppers are full to that point, it can send a signal the the dispenser and then power the rail to send an empty cart back to the other side.  For multiplayer servers, it may still be necessary to have 2 one-way tracks to keep carts (empty or occupied) from running into each other.

  15. it feels like you asked if we wanted a Minecraft station a month ago. Does this mean you plan out your episodes a month in advanced or does it take that long to make it?

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