Art Theory

Minecraft Sky Factory – MODERN ART #48


Minecraft Sky Factory! We’re out of wood! The system’s on the fritz, our cactus is acting weird and Ped’s got rats in his kitchen! It’s all going wrong!
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42 thoughts on “Minecraft Sky Factory – MODERN ART #48
  1. Is it me or at 9:40 is Ped dragging items onto the NEI screen? Doesn't that delete them, not actually put them back into the computer? Just remember it used to do that in many mod-packs.

  2. Tfw they actually describe how the art economy really works completely by accident while thinking they’re just trolling and being funny.

  3. Make Autonomous activator with garden sicles in them and stack them at the edge of the carrot farm for infinite production

  4. So how much has the livestream chat been yelling at Duncun to use the mass storage items like drawers, barrels, and filing cabinets to deal with the incoming resources

  5. There's a rat in my kitchen what am I gonna do
    There's a rat in my kitchen what am I gonna do
    I'm gonna fix that rat that's what I'm gonna do
    I'm gonna fix that rat

  6. My grand mother's cat is a very good hunter in that it caught and killed a bird one time. That's not the worst part because the cat still wanted to "play" it began tossing the bird in the air hoping it would come back to life to play. At which point I notice the sound and find the library covered in feathers. On top of that when cleaning out the rat traps we counted over 20 lizards have been brought into the house by the cat and died in sticky traps.

  7. Yogscast are almost dead on the money with that whole Modern art being a tax scam and also rife for money laundering and kickbacks.
    Had to do a case study on it a few years ago. The nature of private transactions between collectors and sheer lack of regulation over art transactions compared to bank, stockbroker or casino transactions makes it rife for money laundering operations. It can be very hard for authorities to both track and then prove beyond reasonable doubt in court, so only a handful of people ever get caught out for it.

  8. mice love peanut butter yes, but its so soft they can lick it right off the trap. u need to either have a hair trigger trap(not fun to set up) or u use chunky peanut butter or use crushed peanuts.

  9. Honestly most modern art is simply a clever artist using the old adage a fool and his money will soon be parted, to get a nice profit off of some idiot rich people who have more money then sense. Lol i love it when they are able to do that! I once heard of some guy, who saw an empty pedestal at an art gallery, so he randomly put something silly on it to see what they would do, and in a week he came back and it had a glass case around it. it was super funny

    edit: it was a pineapple, at a university art show.

  10. Ben, just upgrade an Energized Smelter (Mekanism) to an Elite Factory, add all the Speed and Energy Upgrades, then you'll have bricks for days

  11. IRL cables are laid in ducts to protect them nowadays plastic ducts are used but clay ducts used to be used and that’s why you need bricks I.e hardened clay for cables.

    P.S 4 stairs make a hollow tube shape so that probably why the mod designer uses them

  12. Back when I was at school some other kids in my class found an ebay posting for an invisible bmx bike which had a picture of a kid riding it (obviously the bike had just been edited out) and people were bidding on it…

    Can't remember what the amount was that was there when I saw it, I tried checking a few days later and couldn't find it, which I assume either means it was removed from ebay or was 'sold' to someone

  13. The way art works is it uses infinite scarcity (there is only ever 1 of a given art piece) to solidify an arbitrary amount of liquid (cash) assets so that it is shielded from inflation. If an art piece goes for $100k, when inflation devalues the dollar, the piece can be sold off for $120k so that the value is preserved, opposed to just sitting on the $100k which now has less spending power.

    tl;dr Modern art is a scheme used by rich people to protect their assets from inflation.

    edit: It's a similar concept to buying gold, except gold has variable scarcity, but is more accessible to the average person.

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