Art Theory

MINIMALISM | Art Movement

Gallery Wanderer

As much as I want those Konmari minimalism views… this ain’t it.

My video is about the Minimalism Art Movement that took place in NYC around the 1950s-70s. I provide the basic gist of the movement and some of the most critical ideas that shaped it. Some of the artists I talk about are Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Carl Andre, Robert Morris, Frank Stella, Anne Truitt, Jackson Pollock, and John McCracken.


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6 thoughts on “MINIMALISM | Art Movement
  1. This was extremely interesting to me – thank you! I had a serious misperception of what minimalism truly meant, as I have been delving into abstract painting and mistakenly assumed that having less "stuff" in a painting made it a "minimalist abstract". Along those lines, however, I have found that it is far more difficult to keep things simple (but still interesting) than it is to allow complexity to inevitably creep in.

  2. I understand that the idea of minimalism is to deny everything the abstract expressionists were proposing in meanings and ideas, but I also think that the artists can't really deny the complexity of anything in a globalized world. When you put one or hundreds of bricks on the floor and claim the right to call them art based in your speech and what you are saying is that bricks are just bricks and therefore they're simple, you're automatically erasing centuries of knowledge that made that brick be possible. Lots of people putted their work in making different kinds of bricks before you could say that a brick is simple, lots of shapes and materials were studied and developed so you could choose that specific brick between so many that serves different kinds of works, and when you say that a brick is just a brick you're erasing all this complexity just so that object can serve your purpose. It's unfair.

  3. Abstract and Minimalism is for people who aren't really talented artists. Let's face it anyone can scribble and splash paint around. I know I'm not expressing anything new in my criticism about this topic but come on folks this is such a scam.

  4. Thank you for making this, I have an exam coming up on modern art and this was super informative, and witty ( Louie should definitely submit his art to Whitney). Minimalist art is incredibly frustrating to me, especially when spiritual/post-impressionist art that is very subjective is my favorite. I guess that's the idea of minimalism: To create objectivity in a space that invites us to impose our opinions on the space presented. Either way thank you! 🙂

  5. Thanks for making me understand this type of art more! Very interesting how the critics were playing by the artists hands in criticizing their work as "not art"!

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