Art Theory

Minimalist Art Studio / Work Space Tour | Tips & Ideas

Fresh Savagery

Hello! Welcome to my tiny 10′ x 12′ artist studio tour. I had previously filmed a studio tour, but decided to re-do the tour after discovering and implementing the Konmari Method from the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”.

I have really been striving towards reducing the number of belongings in my life and towards a minimalist lifestyle. I’m still a beginner minimalist. My first question is can you be an artist and a minimalist??? The answer is yes!

I got rid of (via trash, recycle, or donation) about fifteen 30 gallon trash bags worth of art supplies that were unused, expired, or left over from classes or projects that I’m no longer participating in. It was such a relief and now I can actually access my most loved art supplies

In this video you will see the before and after + some tips on creating more minimalist room to work in. Thanks for joining me!

ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ thanks for watching Fresh Savagery ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ

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10 thoughts on “Minimalist Art Studio / Work Space Tour | Tips & Ideas
  1. Is it possible to live a minimalist lifestyle AND be an artist/crafter/creator??! Some ancient astronaut experts say yes, and so do I. Leave a comment if you're a creator!

  2. Those paper weights are so pretty. I really enjoyed this video, because I too don't have a separate art studio. I have a corner in my bedroom as my work station. It's good to know that there are other artists with small spaces like me. <3

  3. finally a studio of my type…. i usually like less clutter so that my mind have space to work…but still when u r an artist u have a lot of things to keep….i like ur curtain inside the table….to tidy up…m following this method now…cheers!

  4. Awww, lovely kitty. Space looks nice, but I feel that you could use some wall shelves put up. You could have baskets up there versus taking up your floor/beneath the desk space. Just an idea. 🙂

  5. Your mom makes paperweights? Wow! Some good thoughts. I struggle with still life props and flat items like primed wood panels, canvases, illustration board in varying states of completion. I also have framed pieces. this is also in a 10 x 12 room. Thanks for your video.

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