
Monolithic Conspiracies: Transhumanism, Insider Jobs, A.I. and the Looming Truth – Marathon Show

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Enjoy some of the most viewed interviews NYSTV has conducted, Conspiracies that cloud the world. Insider Jobs, A.I. Transhumanism, the New World order and More!

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19 thoughts on “Monolithic Conspiracies: Transhumanism, Insider Jobs, A.I. and the Looming Truth – Marathon Show
  1. 12hrs aint nobody got time for that!! should really work on making your vids shorter!! soooo many of the titles get my attention than I see its half a day long and im like not worth it

  2. God does not exist. I am a transhumanist because I want people to live better lives, the only life they will ever have. I am training to become an A.I researcher and there is no connection to the NWO or satan or anything like that. Stop with this nonsense.

  3. Brothers and Sisters…Please share with others as you as The Father leads you. Much love your Sister in Christ, Melinda

    January 9, 2019

    During a time of praise I saw The word "Love" and then was given a writing instrument in my right hand, and with my left hand I grabbed a pen and I began to write down The Fathers words.

    The Light of Glory will fall
    Descending like a dove on those who diligently seek me.
    Those who seek MY FACE, MY WILL!

    Trust and obey for this is MY perfect will, not for ME but for you.

    Draw close to ME and I will draw close to you.

    Bow down, repent, look up and seek MY face ONLY.

    Cast your cares on ME, I will never leave you or forsake you, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS.

    Each letter, each word is a message from above filled with love…seek and you will find.

    Do not follow the blind!

    Will you hear MY voice when I call?

    Do you honor ME with praise? This is the way through the gates.

    MY children, I AM calling you to be ready.

    Seek truth, speak truth, love truth.

    Write down these words and let them know how much I LOVE THEM.

    From everlasting to everlasting.

    I AM coming soon, I will rip the skies and the seas apart.


    Do not be afraid!

    The boiling will come from beneath, the fire from above.

    Do not be afraid

    Seek MY FACE

    You have been chosen and set apart.

    Trust in ME alone

    You are MY children whom I have created.
    Stang strong, stand firm upon MY WORDS.


  4. Cracker Barrel,,,to get a hat?
    You are so damn funny doing your hat and your hair,,,,,
    Ha ha Ha ha ha
    OK I checked out your hat makes you look very handsome narrowing down the head,,,
    Nice color,,,,
    I hope it is comfortable ha ha ha ha
    Are you telling me this thing is like 13 hours or so oh my goodness

  5. At about 11 hours Robbie Davidson says Answers In Genesis said something along the lines of, "God couldn't have done something regarding the Biblical cosmology because it would have offended "Egypt and other forms of paganism"… IMO if that is what Answers In Genesis says they are looking a lot like controlled opposition…. Also, regarding NASA, why don't we have volumes of photos and live footage of the earth from space? Why do we ony have a handful of computer generated images of the "globe?" ANSWER: because the globe is a hoax. Maybe. Any better ideas? Why in the world don't we have tons of photo imagery of the earth?

  6. Jake….Jacob means "supporting the heel:…you have done well for our YHWH…and have lifted up others by the heel to proclaim His Majesty! Come back toTexas again, Ya'aqob…a supplanter you have become! Amein and Amein.

  7. Tesla tapped into the knowledge gaining realm without Cern. So I don't think that is what Cern is about. Cern is the knowledge from the evil ones. I believe its what everything else they do and have been for ever and that is to hurt man. Corrupt man. To make us all fail our Creator. To make YHWH creation Not better than the Fallen. We are better than them. And we will show them we are. They may have the super powers of Angels but we have the Authority. We have friends in High places! We are protected like no other. All you have to do is get to know Yeshua. That is it. Yes you have to follow the rules. But they are all good for you. Unlike the alt. Use your mind and learn all you can about Yeshua. Talk to him.Ask questions, Pray for understanding and to help others.

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