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9 thoughts on “Monsieur. The Artificially Intelligent Robotic Bartender.
  1. Barry (and Eric), next time choose a name for your product that you can actually pronounce. When making a video about it and you can not pronounce its name, choose an actor who can. Or ask a French person how to say it. This makes you look unintelligent.

  2. Kudos to these young men and I wish them much success. Try not to be so hard on the guy for his pronunciation of 'monsieur'; it just sounds southern American influenced. Check any dictionary. 'Tiki', however, as in tiki bar, should be sounded: tee-kee. There is nothing unintelligent about these guys and I'm certain they will find their target market(s) and thrive.

  3. I think that If they wanna market this well, they should at least look up how Monsieur is pronounced. It's very frustrating. And the design is absolutely horrible. I hope it evolves into something less massive and cubic.

  4. LEARN HOW TO PRONOUNCE THE NAME OF YOUR INVENTION…. YOU GUYS SOUND LIKE UNEDUCATED IDIOTS… even though your idea is decent, it will never replace actual bartenders though…

  5. I would love to test it out and give a review to have one. If you would, please. I get a lot of people over throughout the year, and that would be free advertising for you as well. Word of mouth locally and through private social media get you not only to your goal, but so much further than your goal. I even know a few bartenders in the family. Thank you for your time.

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