
Narcissist uses Cognitive Dissonance to keep you PRISONER

There is a lot of information available on the internet regarding narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse victim syndrome, healing Cptsd due to emotional abuse and overcoming the abuse inflicted by narcissistic parents; however, having someone guide and mentor you on your healing journey can be so helpful. If you feel you can benefit from inviting someone on your healing journey, please check out these links for face to face coaching and/or phone coaching: For those interested in an interactive self-help journal, here is the link for the PDF entitled I Miss Me and I Want Me Back Michele is someone that has truly been there; after surviving 31 years of narcissistic abuse by family members and significant others, she now dedicates her time and energy toward helping others as a Trauma Recovery Coach and soon to be a Certified Kinesiology Practitioner to help others that are still on their road to recovery. For those that are going to court against a narcissist, the PDF entitled When The Devils The Defendant has been a helpful tool for thousands-
Dating Harley Quinn – Female Histrionic Narcissist is NOW AVAILABLE –
A male target of narcissistic abuse asked me if I would be interested in ghost writing his memoir and after hearing his story I was hooked. It’s one thing to hear about what narcissistic abuse is, to learn about triangulation, blame shifting, projection, narcissistic supply, gaslighting and so many other terms and manipulation tactics we come to learn about on our journey to heal from narcissistic abuse. But it’s another story to delve into the life of someone trapped in a trauma bond by a female histrionic narcissist. This memoir, written in novel form, takes you on the roller coaster ride of highs and lows that are typical in emotionally abusive relationships.
Here is a brief description of the book, a link is found below.
This memoir opens the door to what my life was like dating a female histrionic narcissist. The beginning of the relationship was surreal – if ever I had fantasized about what the perfect girl would be – it paled in comparison to what Angel was truly like and how she enhanced my life. If I were to compare her to anyone I had ever dated – it would not be fair; it would be like comparing a painting done with finger paints hanging on a refrigerator door, held up with a magnet, to Michelangelo’s art scenes from Genesis painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
The feeling Angel gave was a perfect purity of manifested perfection. I quite literally could not imagen a girl more totally perfect, my imagination was stretched just to take in the reality of her. She took me in every way she possibly could to the heights beyond the tops of Mt. Everest in sensual and hedonistic pleasure.
She brought me to the edge of the stratosphere where the air is so thin you have to wear a space suit – but the view – the view is all humanity stretched out before you and you can see the curvature of the earth and the blackness of space.
And then she dropped me.
While reading this story there are no definitions spelled out as to narcissistic abuse, nor what histrionics are like, rather a picture is painted before your eyes. You will see the idealization phase, notice the cycle of highs and lows that are signature to emotionally abusive relationships, you will watch in horror as the trauma bonds can cause a person to make the worst, self-destructive decisions possible.
I’m inviting you to bear witness to my journey. What looked so innocent and enticing quickly turned into a covert poison that cost me a million-dollar business, my health, provoked a suicide attempt and left me homeless and suffering brain damage. This is my story. It’s not meant to entice sympathy, rather it’s a wake- up call for anyone that is in a relationship with someone narcissistic, sociopathic, histrionic or a cocktail of mixed cluster b disorders.

From Surviving To Thriving!!


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35 thoughts on “Narcissist uses Cognitive Dissonance to keep you PRISONER
  1. 27 yr for me n I'm still in it. The sad sad thing is I got out n divorced him. Which was the happiest day of my life. And then within a year I had a terrible car accident and of course who came to my Aid and helped me because I couldn't walk for a few years him and drag me back in and we just bought a house 30 days ago and then I realized is cheating on me N I wasn't going to tell my sister but i did n she said she think he is a narcissist I put it to the test I watched we got into some arguments I watched and 1000% sure he has I don't know how I'll get out I'm disabled now I can't work and we just bought a house I feel so lost

  2. Merry Christmas ??

    Could you please make a video about cognitive dissonance residue from childhood that prevents adults and young adults to even acknowledge they are worth being loved or that they are capable of being a healthy contributor member of the society

    How to help these people as friends, teachers and how can they help themselves

  3. How about the woman keeping my daughter told me, she that Hilliary Clinton ate babies. And laughed then tried to convince me to the evidence. I blocked those words but that should have been my first clue..

  4. I found myself turning into a different person. I seemed like the Narcissist. Some of my family members attacked me for my behavior toward him. He kept silent and I went crazy yelling and screaming. Conversations were all me screaming and him staying stone faced and indifferent. Im glad we had no kids. Remember that u are only human and ur reactions maybe not within the boundaries of ur character, but u r still being abused. This video is so dead on. Thank you for sharing

  5. the solution: elevate your being, be happy, meditate, strengthen your intuition and trust ONLY your intuition, first in small things and later in huge things and all events and people around you.

  6. One thing that narcs do is to learn what triggers you. And man, do they use that against you. It's almost like they study you ask weird personal questions and as soon as they get the chance throw it all back at you to try to hurt you. I truly believe their brains were traumatized in childhood. But I also don't see a cure. Even when they're dead they haunt you. Recovery from this abusive parent/s is a lifelong process. It may very well have been predestined by God to help us grow! I like to see the positive side and the humor in everything! God Bless. Namaste.

  7. You anti-narc-crusaders are MUCH worse than a 'narcissist' could ever be. Disgusting. Stigmatising people in public is the worst. It's a moral sell-out really. Think about it.

  8. After dealing with some A-holes I learned to recognize cognitive dissonance. Now I’m not afraid to walk away or simple tell the abuser to F*** off. There are consequences to that but it’s better than putting up with their abusive behavior.

  9. You are so sincere, you're melodic to listen to. Very refreshing. And a nice balance, considering the hurtful truths you make known. Ouch but thank you.

  10. That's so true on all points. And he was a completely different person around the outside world. Really funny and charming etc. This explains so much, thank you

  11. Btw…. your x is a fool… so isn't mine…lol…remember obviously your a better human being. .. so focus on how strong you are and you survived that creepy bully… I finally rememberd me. And I'm Not allowing anyone to take my dignity away.

  12. Thank you. You are opening my eyes and mind to all of the things I’ve been going through that I’ve been in denial of living with a narcissistic person. I’ve moved out 6 months ago but I was still contemplating of going back every time she hoovered me but listening to your videos I’m more aware. Thank you again.

  13. I love this video! Like you I knew nothing of npd until I reached that point where I couldn't rationalize her behavior anymore. The truths you had to face I did as well. The hardest for me though was coming to accept that our 20 year relationship was nothing but a lie. I meant nothing to her.

  14. I left my husband after 20 years. I knew nothing of narcissist I didn’t know what was wrong with me or with him. I knew I was near my breaking point. Literally give me death!! I left one night to go to my friends house to clear my brain! I know it was God telling me not to go back, however I felt trapped I told God but what would I do!!! I felt God showing me a plan. When ask what was wrong with my marriage I had no idea! It was just wrong. I never knew what a narcissist was until recently I watch something on u tube! Oh now I know my husband was a narc. You mean I’m not crazy? When something would be said about flying monkeys, now I understand! Gaslighting!! Now after 22 years of being alone I can say I understand!

  15. Thank you for that valuable information. Yes, it is painful to think that a person can marry another person just so that they can hurt them emotionally, mentally, and sometimes physically as well. Who thinks that way going into a marriage?! And what about the children? Omg, how can I ever fix this? Is there even a way to fix it so that the kids will be okay?!. I love my child more than words could ever express. I will continue to research this topic, forever. So again, thank you for this valuable information.

  16. Amazing person for doing this video ..this is what im feeling right now .i need him GONE from my life ..i felt so guilty for feeling this way i felt like i was losin my mind n cryin n scared to get out of the relationship in my head didnt know which way to turn and what is real.i felt like id gone nuts.this explains so much ..ive had messages sent to me that he sent to a friend of mine n its like lookin at messsges written by someone else.ive known at times its abuse but put it in a box in my head ..his smashing stuff up ..his words ..swerving the car ..and these messages now..i now know this is mental abuse and i need to keep me and my boy safe.i applaud you for this and opening my eyes ..thankyou x

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