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Nature of reality, Consciousness and Freedom – David Icke Dot Connector

David Icke

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40 thoughts on “Nature of reality, Consciousness and Freedom – David Icke Dot Connector
  1. The Government/media controllers have rules legislation in place regarding the rating of movies eg 12 years of age and under, over 18 etc. Yet the Government allows teachers and not-qualified-in-anything people to go into schools of various aged children and tell them that the world is going to end, their lives may be short lived etc due to man made global warming.
    I am astounded at the hypocrisy.

    Man made global warming and the so called science data, we all know was exposed by some proper Journalists re Climategate. So this demonstrates the propaganda being openly and purposely showered over young minds. Some have called this 'child abuse'. Again government/controllers hypocrisy….hmmm what else…a watered down version of MK Ultra too?

    I know about the not-qualified-in-anything people teaching imho lies to children as I had a friend who told me how schools invited her in to speak about it. She did not like the fact that I did not agree with her beliefs of man made global warming. I wont go into ironic hypocrisy of where she lives and her flights abroad for holidays…lol.

  2. Lol πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ’©πŸ’©πŸ’© it’s not me I just want to make that clear

  3. There is no proof of the " spirit " nor the spiritual world.
    I wish he would just stick to the facts.
    Woo woo wooo, the spirit train is off of the tracks, woo wooo …..
    Let us deal with factual reality.
    Expose the farce of spiritual beliefs.
    Maybe, too many drugs?
    I used to listen to Hancock, but I realized that he had done too much ahiwaska ( spelling) DMT and lost touch with reality.
    This spiritual RANT reminds me of Graham Hancock and his spiritual rants.
    Use your brain, look for the simple truths.
    Cult following is a very bad idea.


  4. I was in a book store in San Francisco and David Icke's book literally fell off the shelf into my hands. I got to know his financial backer and got him to publish a book called Glances at Eternity by Glenn Maxwell who used to be married to June Allison. Funny how things happen.
    Looking now on Amazon I can't find it.
    He had a near death experience.
    Interesting story.

  5. It's so true what he saiyng that i can barely survive at present time. Even my identification card as been take away from me. My mother use to say "they gonne kill you". Just now i start to understand what she ment and still dont know why this peaple is on my life.

  6. Knowledge is power folks get as much information from the likes of David and other truthers out there . This is what they don't what us to have . ❀ sending you love David on this mission πŸ‘πŸ‘I'm wide awake πŸ˜‰

  7. I do no get it … in how far does the fact that we can only sense light of certain frequencies mean that there are other dimensions and another reality? Sure it makes a difference if your telly is in black-white or colour, but another reality?

  8. When David says 'What you believe is what you perceive and what you perceive you experience.' Ramana would say find out who is perceiving. The one perceiving is I or Ego. Until this Ego is eliminated there will be no peace.

  9. Much of the philosophy of Vedanta here. As the guy said the teachings of Ramana. When we become who we really are there is no world, no universe, no individual I. Almost like a state of deep sleep, a state of pure self awareness and perfect bliss. Every time anything arises whether thought, action, or physical phenomena there has to be an I to experience it. It is this I we need to dissolve. This I is Ego.

  10. Get on your knees and pray and ask for forgiveness to the king of King's and Lord of Lord's are savior Jesus Christ the alpha and the omega the beginning and the ending the first and the last he is the only way and he is comeing read his words the Bible the only book that foretold everything to come and has been a 100% right

  11. Life is a complex illusion, as soon as you are born you are surrounded by all nonsense and lies and false perceptions of people who want to control your perception of reality. But in the end does it matter anyway I mean eveyone is made of stardust and the universe dies a heat death eventually. So basically do whatever you want in life because nothing matter and you are going to die anyway

  12. According to Marshall Vian Summers, who also gets information from beyond our dimension, the Greater Community of Worlds has a term for spirit , which is "Knowledge." So the difference between thinking and Knowing is recognized on a large scale.

  13. I wanna thank who ever sent me light and love energy. It was from one of you truth seekers. It empowered me. I send good favor to the all truth seekers. I do upper consciousness work about 3 to 6 hours a night recruiting light and love. Dedicated

  14. It's a shame not everyone can think like this, most people think either David & or us are crazy, this is why humanity is stunted, like David said people are slowly starting to understand & "wake-up"

  15. David, despite of all the respect I have for your work there is only one thing I really don't understand from you when you say
    "According to the mainstream scientists..", but, as you know those guys are 100% controlled by the cabal to create 80% of tech lies among 20% of truth….!?
    Bill Hicks no one else than Alex Jones today…
    to your interviewer, hippie movement has been created by the CIA/deep state in sixties at the same time of LSD to destroy the family values, and give the pill to accept the atrocity wars from them were occurring by just taking drugs and sing peace….

  16. greit-we sat you to there to "Govern" ,but the limit of hva they shall help us With(since the evolution,on Earth,has this "Fashion","of thoughtpattern,to being manipulated into more & more of what we should"allow" them to what we "Elected" them to do do for oss,in the First Place!the Satanic way is always to prove that they dont exist),tΓ₯pelig done!!!but…i Guess thats the way its going towards–To Tell those who we sat there to do a for Job Us,in the First Place,in the Correct manner….Or give the "Job",for us,to SomeOne Else…??!!!??i Guess The Evolution its about to change,or Die..??!!??t

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