Consciousness Videos

NDEs and the Emerging Science of Consciousness

Bowen Center

Presenter: Eben Alexander III, MD

Dr. Eben Alexander, as a neurosurgeon of some distinction, was diagnosed with a severe and rare case of E. coli meningitis and sank into a deep coma for a week, not expected to survive, brain intact. While in the coma, Dr. Alexander experienced a spectacular odyssey to realms beyond our known physical universe – an ultra-real journey that ran counter to all conventional neuro-scientific views about the brain, mind and consciousness. He will talk about some of the insights from his NDE and the latest understanding about the neuroscience of consciousness and the mindful universe. His challenge to comprehend better the lessons from his NDE relates to a revolutionary shift now underway within our modern scientific understanding transcending the limitations of the human brain and the physical-material realm.


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