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38 thoughts on “Neil DeGrasse Tyson Are we Living in Simulation
  1. If that was true, only the second layer will run out the computing power of the first one. So, because the computational resources are finite there could not be this onion-like realistic simulations

  2. I am not convinced. It would be essentially impossible to simulate our Universe, because it is a quantum system of enormous size. And building a quantum computer for that would require essentially to build the whole universe in the lab.

  3. In my opinion, if we were living in a simulation. We would have no idea what a simulation was, and wouldn’t be conscious enough to question if we were. Then again I’m a Christian and I’ll never believe that 💯 god bless

  4. शास्त्र कहते हैं-'यथा पिण्डे, तथा ब्रह्माण्डे'-जो कुछ ब्रह्माण्ड या सृष्टि में हो रहा है, वैसा का वैसा ही हमारे शरीर में होता है। हम प्रकृति के उत्पाद हैं। स्वयं कर्ता नहीं हैं। प्रकृति की इच्छा के आगे हमारी इच्छा कहीं ठहरती ही नहीं।

  5. Yes, however we do not have the power to create a world like that today. That means that we cannot be ANY of the theoretical worlds in the middle. We can only be the original world that will one day create the simulation or we are the bottom simulation. That brings the odds down fom infinite possibilities down to 50/50.

  6. So are we going to call it Miniverse or tinyverse. Rick was the first one to coin it but who's to say in these smaller realities who really started it all

  7. You mean there's probably an entity, on a plane of existence above our own, who is responsible for creating our universe, and may occasionally take an active role in it? So like… God?

  8. We havent yet to create such a simulation of that magnitude, so in that long chain, we would have been the newest, or last simulation in the current chain, which has just as low as a probability as being the first one.

  9. But…the issue is…the programming is broken the moment you suspect that you are actually in a simulation…a "programmed" version of "free will" in this case disallows for you to imagine yourself in a simulation

  10. Neil is a pretty smart guy, but honestly the simulation stuff is absolutely idotic, especially with the premise. Because its not even true, our computers couldn't possibly generate a simulated universe with enough complexity that a chain could be formed.

  11. In other words it could be a person that created a universe with programed laws and physics on a computer but, not a being that created a universe with laws and physics.

  12. I just watched (what I thought was) an interesting video where Neal deGrasse talks about intelligent design coming from a place of ignorance or a lack of understanding.

    This concept seems like an intelligent design concept to me.

  13. Respect Neil DeGrasse Tyson's courage to be a free thinker and not be afraid to express his ideas, it's only a theory after all, it's better than just some random Big Bang or Creator of All theories

  14. Thing is though i am always able to find and accidentally come across glitches in computer made up worlds. I have personally never have seen any glitches or bugs in this simulation known as reality. So im not sure im convinced of this life as being a simulation either..

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