
New! Art Lesson. Rembrandt Portrait Painting By Artist Sergey Gusev. English Subtitles.

“Maja. Secrets of portrait painting” – 6 hours long portrait tutorial

“Andrei. Improve your portrait skills” – 9 hours long portrait tutorial

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Sergey Gusev


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50 thoughts on “New! Art Lesson. Rembrandt Portrait Painting By Artist Sergey Gusev. English Subtitles.
  1. Плохо. Очень плохо. Любительская мазня. Кажная сопля теперь хочет называться художником. Нет, дорогой друг. Учиться надо сначала.

  2. Great video! Helps a lot, I am a dutch painter and very much interested in old painting techniques. I went to a dutch art school they are all about contemporary arts..

  3. With all due respect, you can be the best if you use your own style. The drawing is subjective and logical philosophy you must have a specific philosophy to be found. This painting for Rembrandt has left no impression on me, unfortunately.

  4. Great school, very skilful, but as most of people that watch it are still learning, I think it would be fair if you told that the painting wasn't made in one go, and that painting took longer than 32 min, and it took time to dry in between layers as I think some of us would scratch paint to the canvas trying to smudge/soften brushstrokes as told in the end, otherwise great work thank you for sharing

  5. Really nice painting demonstration, and good color tips, but I couldn't get all the way through this, since the pop-up ads (blocking important parts of the visuals/subtitle) are far too frequent and distracting.

  6. I'm a beginner.. so I want to know … in the imprimatura do you use thin oil paint?
    Then you allow it to dry?
    And then you do the dark shades over it so do you use undiluted paint or a little turpentine????

  7. Hi Sergey, really like your teaching style. Just wondering if you can tell me how you keep your oil paints from drying out on the palette when not using them? Cheers Paul

  8. Vzbv bvbbbvvv utut tubus Tutu vvv, an nun uuuuund! Uhr von uroma TTatÜV an vtal tta uuuuh der vor!yb V Avatavon ctu ist ta TÜV tua ttat uuuuha TV die von nd unf von und tut. n voavtauaAttacke Untat tab TÜV m tut

  9. 6:51, "I add ulttamarine to show the…"

    You didn't finish the sentence.
    And why are you adding ultramarine vs a violet? Do many questions.

    And it looks like maybe you added some ultramarine or some green mixture in the background a few steps back but I dont recall you mentioning why. Or why Rembrandt did.

  10. Hello Sergey. Thank you for yet another talented tutorial. I only have one question – it seems that you created cool shadows and cool light on the face. Shouldn't we use cool light and warm shadows and vice versa following the classical approach?

  11. El día que exista una ley para encarcelar a todos los que suben videos de como pintar a Rembrandt no queda nadie en You Tuve No se dan cuenta que son verdaderos mamarrachos? — Dios, el Mundo a quedado ciego…

  12. What is this?
    Is it teaching?
    Are we meant to learn how to do something by watching this?
    We don't see the reference photo as you work so we don't know WHY you are doing What you are doing.
    I see what you are doing, but you don't explain your process.
    It remains a mystery to me.
    An 'animal hair brush' can be anything from hog bristle to Kolinsky sable.
    What is 'linen oil'?
    "I' m not using turpentine now like I did last time." NO ONE should be using pure gum turpentine.
    It is highly toxic !!
    There are safer options like odorless mineral spirits.
    Why is a small, soft brush any better for face painting than any other type of brush??

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