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NOMI PRINS – 25 CENT CONTRACTS: How To Trade Before 10am & Beat The Markets – Part 1/2 | London Real

London Real

Nomi Prins’ 25 Cent Trader Summit:

Nomi Prins is the former Wall Street banker turned investigative journalist, financial expert, and speaker.
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Nomi Prins has worked at some of the most powerful banks on Wall Street including Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns.

She has been a television commentator for the BBC, CNN and CNBC, and her work as an investigative journalist has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, and Fortune magazine.

Nomi is also a best-selling author with her latest book “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World” shedding light on the dark conspiracies between private and public banking.





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44 thoughts on “NOMI PRINS – 25 CENT CONTRACTS: How To Trade Before 10am & Beat The Markets – Part 1/2 | London Real
  1. Is she associated with the paradigm press which is charging $5,000 per year usd to learn her formula ???!?

  2. There are 6 patterns every stock options player should know. I spent about 2 years to put together a package from start to finish. Everything from how to organize your watch list, how to organize your charts, what charts to use and which analytical tools work best TOGETHER. After 2 years it all finally came together and the results are startling. In the month of January I doubled the size of my account. As of today Feb. 10 my account has already increased an additional 75%. I'm not here to sell anything, and I don't have any seminars, website, PDF's or other material. I'm just here to tell you that the market definitely has certain patterns than when figure out, opens the flood gates. I've been asked by several people to be their mentor, or sit-in with me during traders. I've told them all to fuck off. I've looked through over 2,000 charts and I'm not giving away what I have for free. The market can be beaten, the profits are larger than you can ever imagine. And it's all mine.

  3. Yeah, take a bet on an contract that expires worthless 99% of the time banking on a 3 sigma event or more.

    Doesn't Wall Street take enough from the middle class without convincing them this is strategy and not roulette?

  4. youtube hid and cut the message, now how many she cheat when she worked with Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns , Lehman Brothers also that day of september11, close to 3 thousand employ of Lehman borthers also the head boss was absent for the job for some reason, when reporter ask the head of Lehman borthers, why you didnot show at the job, he said that special day, I want to go my daughter kindgarden , ? These zionist jews , holding heart beat ofamerican financial, life and pocket money ,

  5. Hey girl I love your videos keep it coming LOL I was wondering how tall you are so I can kind of get and idea of how it will sit on me since I'm a 5"2 nugget?

  6. I never knew Nomi Prins' background but I have read a couple of books by her which were very informative. Now it all makes sense. 😅

  7. i got screwed on the boeing last week when they bailed out the company temporarily . and ya i put my money in at end of term

  8. she didnt invent anything…I have 25 years of trading experience… these inclinations and modalities have been around for ever… she is simply pumping up her own brand of bogart…this is laughable

  9. Wall Street is Satanic and all static worshippers will accept money like there is no god but richness

  10. Even if this system worked at a point in time, once public the market will reverse engineer it and any edge that the little guy could have gotten from it will vanish very quickly.

  11. And this is why Canadian banks are considered the strongest and most secure in the world. Americans and the British are simply not responsible enough to manage money. We are headed into a new 2008 situation because of American greed and poor governance. The American government is now one of the most corrupt in the world. If the U.S. and British would just step aside and allow Canada to manage the world's monetary system….well, how could we possibly do worse.

  12. I’m sorry Brian, I like most of what you’re doing – really I do.
    But this “interview” is a paid-for pitch dressed up as your normal content.
    Nomi seems nice enough and interesting, you both do.
    But clicking into the funnel that this feeds uncovers not only an aggressive sales pitch but also one lacking in even basic information.
    And as a marketer I will say that it is atrociously out of date, 10 year old IM sales tactics – embarrassing and painful to watch and worse, designed to take advantage of ill informed and particularity older customers.
    If you’re going to try and sell a financial product at least partner with someone who knows how to market in 2019.
    The fact that you are associated with this is unfortunate and IMO means you have just lost all credibility.
    A shame really. But there we are.

  13. Nature goes on forever for everyone and everything to return as everyone and everything an infinite number of times through evolutionary processes.😢 😢 😢

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