
Nonexistent Objects & Imaginary Worlds: Crash Course Philosophy #29

Today we transition between units on language and aesthetics with a discussion of nonexistent and imaginary objects. Is it possible to make true assertions about things that aren’t real? We’ll explore Meinong’s Jungle and the concept of a universe of discourse.

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40 thoughts on “Nonexistent Objects & Imaginary Worlds: Crash Course Philosophy #29
  1. Ghost zombies wouldn't exist. You'd see your zombie as you turned into a ghost because zombies are just your mindless body doing primitive actions to continue living but ghosts are pertaining to your spirit. Since ghosts have no spirit, your body would become a zombie while your spirit becomes a ghost

  2. That's how we do engineering. In 1960 there was no such thing as a moon rocket. Then we had a universe of discourse in which engineers debated how a moon rocket might be made. We could debate it while staying inside the laws of physics. Then we went to the moon.

  3. If I had decided to just start with this video instead of watching them in order, would it be more or less entertaining when he randomly said "bananas are chom choms" at the end?

  4. Before this video, I had never realized that talking about the future is in its own way, an imaginary world. It hasnt happened yet, and it might not even happen because we never know what will happen.

  5. When I was a child, I used to wander around my neighborhood on my free time talking with friends and playing with my toys as my mother watched christian brodecast on the television. Life was simple, and we were both happy. Until the day my mother heard a voice from a chom chom:
    – Your son has not predicated the word, he needs to be safed-
    And so we start going to parks talking people about chom choms every now and then. And like this, it was over.

  6. If there were two kings of France, the statement saying that king of France is bald – would be true or false? Would be the truth dependent on the number of bald kings of France?

    Assume that there are two kings of France and one of them is bald. Assume also that people in France are divided into two fractions: first fraction recognizes only the bald king as the true king, second one – claims the reverse. In this case, the proposition "the present king is bald" can have different meaning than the sentence contents would suggest 🙂

  7. wouldn’t each universe of discourse have categories though? like even though the universe of discourse of wizards exists, it still exists within the universe of discourse of the supernatural? what would you call that?

  8. When you say that the statement, "the present king of France is bald" is false, it kind of feels like you're implying the present king of France is not bald, and thus that there is a present king of France. Is it okay to say a statement is false because it has a false unstated premise or is there another way to get that point across?

  9. Lol at work and I've listened to every episode in order all day… The reoccurrence of chom choms every episode after it's debut makes me very happy xD

  10. 6:20 how can you expect me to accept that carrying the ball in your hand in football is true, perhaps only in the absurd Meinong's world (or US) but certainly not in the real universe.

  11. I know this all feels ridiculous and useless but this concept is very heavily applied and debated in the Highest Halls of Physics including the concepts of Space and Time.

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