Consciousness Videos

“Nothing You See is Real” | Donald Hoffman

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48 thoughts on ““Nothing You See is Real” | Donald Hoffman
  1. We love you- “ to die without perishing is to reach longevity ! Consciousness is grace – wow 😂 consciousness is spirit – all of us hovering over the dark and deep . ‘ i am the life , that gives the light” what is life ? What does it mean to be human? Read phenomenon of man by chardin .

  2. Uh. bullbutter. I can imagine a bull and I can imagine some butter. Hippy dippy pseudo science. Sure we cannot see beyond three dimensions. In theory. Other than that this is just nonsense. Not sure why youtube recommends this stuff to me.

  3. How is 'nothing we see real' then? It's limited yes, we only see what we can see with our 'VR headset' : someone's face , expression etc, not their inner toughts (which would be in the 4th dimension)? So we're very limited in what we see , yes, but it's still real? Unless he means 'your brain creates your conscious reality' ? Which is something I've seen in another video here on YT.

  4. No dude…YOUR brain doesn't exist unless you render it. My brain is here sitting comfortably in my skull and the systematic neurological impulses of the billions of synapse connections that constitute consciousness are concluding that you've been educated way beyond your intelligence. 😢

  5. Correct, what about the New headsets that will dominate the consciousness of the wearer…I can see future court battles coming soon over this new device …U R almost completely detached.. Will it become 2 reaL…

  6. That what you say at the ending of your speech is true the way to get outside your VR headset is through psychedelics even a mild psychoactive like THC let you look outside the box from outside looking in it's a different perspective that you can get without.That's a small step outside the headset.

  7. You can only imagine things based on what we have seen in this reality, all just mixed and mashed together in various combinations, like a centaur. Only a truly death and blind person with a numb nervous system could could experience imagining things. Say the person cannot feel touch either , then they must lay down or be helped for everything. Bedbound, not even aware they are lying down. Would they know they are alive. Perhaps then , they imagine.I don't this, I'm just typing. Why am I typing, I do not know.

  8. But you can touch the object when you remember where it is, like, your looking at your windscreen in your car, and you grab something to your side without looking. You remember where it is, you find it, with the sense of touch, maybe that is manifested also by your expectation of what you are expecting to grab, the nervous system knows, while your eyesight is focused on the task of looking forward and driving. another filled instant expectation, who know.

  9. But why would we bother rendering a brain, or the need to poo. Or, why would we create such a depressing game too lol. Why would we create zits and boogers and bad breath. Makes me think it might be real somehow…like more than a simulation…simulation hybrid.

  10. Your talking theory ofnihilism of buddhism wahre nothing s proofed no mind no element only just read nagarjuna book what is dependent theory of buddha

  11. this is why Jesus said “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all.”
    ‭‭John‬ ‭6‬:‭63‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    our eternal existence is found in the One from whom it came. and until we are reconnected to Him, we will forever be living in a shadow of what is to come. thanks be to God who made a way through the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 🙌

  12. This is exactly the concept of Hinduism where world is nothing but maya or illusion. Mind creates this illusion in space and time. Later Einstein came and proved time is relative. He also proved that all events of past, present and future are mere events which are there in the space time block and the free will is a myth. It’s us merely moving over these events and thinking that we are making choices. All choices have been made. We are in this space-time illusion.

  13. Based on his description of the 2nd and 3rd dimensions, the next logical step for a 4th dimension of a cube is cubes stacked or mirrored on the cube. So imagine a cube that has cubes on all sides. Now you are seeing the mirror effect of the cube, but also now you can see back down the dimensions for what they really are… a creative mirroring of the lower dimensions… like a fractal. In our physical reality we tend to just see ourselves experiencing the thing we think of ourselves as presently doing, but in the 4th dimension of physical reality, we have an infinite number of things our present self is doing in that time and space. Like the multiverse. So if we visualize our 4th dimension multiversal selves mirroring our present experience, we see more possibilities and potentially a more complete picture of the self we think we currently embody. Imagine the stacked cubes 4th dimension and then see more cubes stacked around those, but not necessarily on all sides of every cube… now it's forming a geometric shape or pattern. 5th dimension. And so on until it's a fractal. And now apply that to the multiversal selves dimensionality and you see yourself even clearer. But it's all creative too.. nothing is set in stone unless we choose it to be. Truly profound. Now I want to try to visualize and see it on shrooms. 👌

  14. People need to understand that everything is real. Just because something is different doesn't mean it's non existence. Guy speaking lacks proper terminology
    My brain exist when needed, even if it's temporary does not.

  15. Remember people, if we don't see outside our heads and everything is internal which neuroscience has already proven then everything in the world is incredibly TINY. And it can never be proven otherwise

  16. The elites have known since the inception of humanity, thats why its so easy for them to control and "program" us, thats why they have no thought of morality or ethics, because they are just made up ideologies in the program.

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