
NVIDIA Deep Learning Course: Class #1 – Introduction to Deep Learning


Register for the full course at Also, watch more classes on deep learning: This first in a series of webinars Introduction to Deep Learning covers basics of Deep Learning, why it excels when running on GPUs, and the three major frameworks available for taking advantage of deep learning.


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30 thoughts on “NVIDIA Deep Learning Course: Class #1 – Introduction to Deep Learning
  1. hey nvidia, can you use deep learning to cleanup this shit stain of an audio you recorded using a potato? Where is a tutorial for that?

  2. The question is: how much of the network was actually a contributor to the competition success? 10%? 1% How many wasted computations were spent to support the network which didn't actually have a significant weight in the solution?

  3. why not build a database of work done on this system for people to try and learn with later… A website is not expensive for a link to google database.

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