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21 thoughts on “Observer Effect
  1. Listen to my theory and tell me if I am wrong….
    what I think is that,
    when wave interacts with quantum, then wave becomes matter.
    So, now lets talk about the observer effect.

    When we don't observe the electron, it acts like a wave, but when we observe, the photon emitted from the observer(just to explain) makes the wave act like particle …….

  2. The atomic world is potential energy, electrons, waves of potential electrons. You can take a particle and measure electrons that emerge from the energy the particle gives off. The waves of energy do not appear real until the energy is measured. The energy from the sun emerges from a non physical field of information in the instant it is measured. In reality the light particles are not real until they are measured or they strike the retina. In the pitch of night you cannot look into the sky and see the sun's rays or particles of light shining past the edge of the Earth. Because the electrons, photons, muons, etc, don't exist until they are measured, or have reflected off an object. Even then the light particle only appears real when the energy converts into information, so it still is not real. It is potential information that has only become a certainty from the act of a self aware conscious being measuring it. The measurements indicate the electron was real but that same electron can never be measured again because it converted into information and now does not exist. Hence, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principal. Thus why the same electron can not be measured more than once. This actually implies that consciousness is the only thing in the universe that is real because it is what is doing all the measuring. We spend a lifetime of measuring energy to convince ourselves we and everything made of energy around us is real. How's this reality working out for you my friend?

    The observer effect has nothing to do with being able to measure an electron only once. That theory is the Uncertainty Principal. The observer effect is what happens when you insert an observer into an experiment which then causes the results to change, like when with a random character generating program an observer is used to sway the results. Some call it madness.

  3. from "A Course in Miracles", chapter 21. Introduction:

    Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition.

  4. Wow, how pathetic. These new age mumbo jumbo idiots who have absolutely no understanding of science let alone quantum mechanics poison science with their idiotic garbage.

  5. Consciousness has always been around. If you are awake, living, feel hunger, or pain or anything at all… then you are conscious if not of yourself then of the world around you.

  6. Surely the most certain guys are the guys that don't think at all. The more aducated and sofisticated person you are the less you are certain about anything =))

  7. Wow, they found so many people looking respectable why participating in this bogus?

    Measurements and consciousness don't have anything to do with each other. A rock has the same influence as a human, no matter how hard the human is thinking.

  8. this is awesome, thanks for posting!!!
    was this from one documentary and if so what's it called? or did you combine clips from different documentaries?

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