Consciousness Videos

On Consciousness with George Coyne

Dissident Science

Join Dissident Science Host David de Hilster as he talks about all things Consciousness with author George Coyne. Coyne’s new book “Nofinity” which he has just completed talks about what it means to be conscious in the terms of philosophy of the 21st century. Don’t miss a chance to interact with one of the most interesting takes on consciousness by critical thinkers today!


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7 thoughts on “On Consciousness with George Coyne
  1. Consciousness is Cognitive Abilities for structured Information Processing

    Drawing from the latest scientific research, the Pari Center for New Learning is presenting a 2-hour online event via zoom on consciousness. It will be hosted by George S. Coyne speaking on the following topics:

    Dualistic confusion,

    Consciousness beginnings linked to end of Bicameral Mind,

    Concept of self-awareness,

    Global Workspace theory,

    “Free Will” concept falsified by brain studies,

    Solution to the “Hard Problem” of consciousness,

    The “Observer” illusion,

    Philosophy of mind and predictive processing,

    Computational theory of mind,

    Significance of mental self as a survival program,

    Five questions researchers have on the Brain and Consciousness.

    Discussion with event¬ attendees will follow the presentation.

    To reserve tickets send email to

    Date: November 14, 2020 Time 12:00 EST

    Host George S. Coyne

  2. I think that this show can be quickly summed up by saying "We have absolutely no idea of what consciousness is or how it arises in a living brain, but we are sure that it, whatever it is, is located somewhere in the brain…or maybe throughout a whole human body."

    By the middle of this century we will probably have fully autonomous robots with incredibly complex artificial brains. They will tell us that they are conscious and have self-awareness. Even then, I suspect we STILL won't know exactly what consciousness is. Maybe the real answer is that self awareness is just a property that automatically arises when a nervous system, natural or artificial, reaches a certain level of complexity. No use trying to understand and explain it, just accept that it does and move on to other subjects.

    Too bad you can't have a neurosurgeon as a guess to give some of his insights into the topic.

  3. Love your channel Dave and greetings from the U.K. Count me as a fan.

    However, I'm not impressed with your guest's explanation of consciousness. He tries to make a semantic escape from a true explanation. As such, the materialist fails to recognise that which matters most, let alone explain it. How consciousness interacts with the material world and how we describe it is a less interesting question. The core mystery is how consciousness can exist as a self-aware entropy-reversing non-deterministic agent, i.e. the opposite of matter. Material processes, no matter how complex, cannot naturally act as an agent, not unless pre-programmed by an agent (but that only begs the question).

    His point about detecting a decision before you make it also misses the point. Your consciousness can perceive many possible actions, even at the same time. That which requires explanation, however: how can you decide not to do that which you think about?

  4. Dave, I am amazed that you don't have much more subscribers and views.
    Your materials, which are really good, deserve many, many more views and subscribers.
    I don't understand this situation.

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