Consciousness Videos

OUR IMAGINATION / The Gateway to Higher Realms of Consciousness

Esther Quantum

How to access higher levels of consciousness, connect with Spirit and help humanity wake up to its true nature.

Welcome to my channel Esther Quantum!

In this video I explore the wildest part of our consciousness, our imagination. And how this ability hat we have to imagine the world into being has led to great discoveries and mainly has helped humanity in the evolution in consciousness.
I explore how the pineal gland plays a definite role in our imagination process. We can use our imagination to gain access to other dimensions and sometimes meet beings from other dimensions. Our imagination is a gateway to the mystical, to a spiritual experience. The state of Theta Brainwaves is really where the magic happens. In this dreamlike state we are able to heal the body and mind , and also travel to other dimensions, to be at one with spirit and retrieve valuable information. . Because our brain hallucinates our conscious reality so the more you can work with your Imagination the more you can create reality consciously.
Our Imagination is a bridge to Higher Realms of Consciousness and plays a huge role in the evolution of consciousness.

I hope you enjoy this video, please let me know in the comments if you had any beautiful breakthroughs using your imagination or if has ever taken you to higher realms of consciousness , other dimensions.
Don’t forget to like and subscribe so I can create more awesome content for you.
Thanks for watching!!


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My mission is to help people take their Power Back and become the Beautiful Creators of their own Reality.
My passion for all things metaphysical leads me to new and infinite discoveries that I want to share with you weekly. So don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so I can create more awesome content for you!

Esther Rouah QHHT Level 2 Practitioner
For more information on Quantum Healing Hypnosis (QHHT) and how it can help you, or to book a QHHT session with me, please visit
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And for daily awesomeness, support and inspiration on your spiritual ascension journey, check out my Instagram account @esther_quantum .

Stay in Love, share the Light!

#ourimagination #gatewaytohigherrealms #evolutioninconsciousness #dreamingtheworldintobeing #higherconsciousness #theQuantumField

The brain hallucinates our conscious reality
Imagination and the and the evolution of Consciousness
Imagination as a bridge to higher levels of Consciousness
Our imagination is a portal to higher realms
Working with the Quantum Field


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