
Overview – Deep Learning in Halite AI competition p.1


Going over our plans for deep learning in the Halite III AI competition, using a convolutional neural network.



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32 thoughts on “Overview – Deep Learning in Halite AI competition p.1
  1. I'm excited to see this series. Makes me wonder if or how you could link or interrelate these AI's to each other. Like have and train an AI for gathering, one for hunting and attacking, one for finding a good place to build another depot, and then use those to train another "hyper-AI" to control them, which would know when to spawn more, what mode to put each of them into, assign them to a depot, implement some kind of aggression strategy etc… Maybe that would quickly get to be very large computationally.

  2. hey sentdex, can u make a vid on how to set up sublime text? i just doenloaded it and am a bit lost… i would like to know what packages to ibstall and how to set yp interpreter etc thanks in advance

  3. How are you parsing replay files? It does not have info about every cell so you need to calculate reqd cells for each step which is a very cumbersome process. Or is there any open source parser for that?

  4. Yo man I see u use windows everytime I just wanted to ask what is ur opinion on people who say it isn't safe and secure and that it spies on u and some shit

  5. thx, nice quick coding. Techniques very similar to computer go neural networks, look at 3 squares around and predict most likely move and then feed into Monte Carlo tree search. Watched the official presentation from last time seem even some higher level strategy / game theory prediction of the opponents by the top ten bots: I see Sentdex at #582 on the leaderboard. (wrong forum but I'm writing my bot in Javascript, if anyone sees JS examples out there plz comment thx )

  6. Thanks for all your help Sentdex! My rules based just broke through rank 900.. i started with your ideas and ran with it. I've learnt so much over the last few days. In particular what can't be done to, or with a dictionary!

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