
Painting – How to use Your Imagination To Create Original Fine Art

Painting – How to use Your Imagination To Create Original Fine Art
Stefan Baumann Inspires Millions to paint outdoors This video is about Touch Move and Inspire.
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abstract The paintings of Stefan Baumann reveal the true spirit of nature by transporting the viewer to distant lands that have gone unseen and undisturbed. With the huge success of Baumann’s weekly PBS television series “The Grand View: America’s National Parks through the Eyes of an Artist,” millions of people witness for themselves the magic Stefan portrays on canvas, his passion for nature and the American landscape. By distilling his love of nature into a luminous painting of brilliant, saturated color that transcends conventional landscape and wildlife art, Baumann has captured the hearts and imaginations of a generation. Each painting becomes an experience rather than merely a picture – a vivid manifestation of his special and personal union with nature and the outdoor world. Through his mastery of light, color, and artful composition, Baumann invites you to experience nature in its purity. It is no wonder that for many years distinguished American collectors, including former presidents and financial icons, have sought out his work.

Stefan Baumann


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17 thoughts on “Painting – How to use Your Imagination To Create Original Fine Art
  1. Unfortunately, the left and right hemisphere dichotomy is just a popular myth.

    Brain imaging shows creative thought activates a widespread network favoring neither hemisphere.

    Most of the "science" in the book "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" has no evidence. But the exercises in it are probably helpful.

  2. I'd love to see the results of that homework assignment! I enjoy painting the most when I try to catch what's coming out of my imagination – it is a big challenge.

  3. Dear Stefan! This video was again very informative and very interesting! It explained what I already knew about the play of the left side of the brain and the right side of the brain, when it comes to painting. I am right handed, a 42 years old woman and the left side of my brain isn't working like it supposed to do. That includes the whole left side of my body,as well. I have this since I was born as well as a tremor that's in some situations coming out very badly and in other situations it's not even there. I learned to live with that over the years. The disfunction of my left side of my brain, was developed while I still was in my “real mums" belly, during her pregnancy with me! The doctors told my adopted parents very early that in my case there a just two reasons why that happened. My "real mum" was a hardcore alcohol drincer. The first reason that could have caused this is, that she kept her drinking behavior while she was pregnant with me. The second reason is,that she didn't had the joy of drinking anymore cause of the hormonally changes in her body during the pregnancy with me and quit from one day to another drinking alcohol anymore. After the pregnancy she started drinking like before! Both possobilities are extremly dangerous for an unborn child, that's developing in a mothers belly! There is no healing for that! It's going to be like this for the rest of my life! I am empathic and a HSP, a High Sensitive Person! Have you ever met and worked with someone with these problems? And if yes, how was this person developing their painting skills? And last but not least, do you think that someone like me, could even with these many health issues can become a good painter – Artist? Thank you already, dear Stefan! Be blessed in all you do! Lots of Love from me, Manuela from Germany, to you dear Stefan! Take care! <3 <3 <3

  4. There is definitely something to this…I know I paint better when I quiet the conscious thoughts. I just know it works no matter what it’s called. Really good discussion Stefan!

  5. Another "trick", as with the painting displayed in this video, is to turn your painting upside down and sideways.
    After turning it around, sit with it like that for awhile,(although sometimes inspiration comes quickly); it helps to "turn off" the left side of the brain, to allow the creative genuis to come through.

  6. You’re fun. And I appreciate all your wonderful art lessons. Please stop the gender comparisons that have no factual basis. The parallel parking thing is just wrong.

  7. I would love to have you coach me and teach me how to be a successful Plein Air painter who can make this my career. I’m just not sure if that’s possible.

  8. Regardless of what BORING people will say about the left-right hemisphere dichotomy not being real… I was actually drawing while listening to this video in the background, and you were speaking about the left brain being cantankerous and overly critical, and at that moment, I could finally identify that voice with precision, so I made it be quiet. Then you did the impression of the right brain getting swept away in the moment, and then I could hear that voice also in my head and I went with that, the sketch that resulted was much less difficult and much more better.

    So even if it's not the left-right brain in exact terms, it IS two distinct perceptions in our minds that do different things for us. I don't really know how to thank you for finally and accidentally clearing this up for me.

  9. What was so interesting is that I first saw this beautiful skyscape, but as you talked abut seeing things within the painting, I saw a submarine like spaceship coming out of the atmosphere from the left, into the open galaxy. I'm going to try this idea with some of my own paintings.

  10. Love your videos. I was just revisiting an old work in progress I had put away as it wasn't going how i liked. After working a bit on it I removed some paint from the background and suddenly I could visualize A whole new scene. Crazy how it works sometimes. I currently do watercolor but your videos make me want to return to oils. Oils always felt more freeing.

  11. Perhaps I am one example who can refute your approach. I am a realist painter and right handed. I paint even human figures, my favorite subjects from my head, no photo reference including complex wrinkles of garments they wear.

    Though, I am right handed, but a mostly I paint with my left hand now. The reason is, I will become more melancholic and sad if I paint with my right, but I am more focus and logical with left hand.

    Here is my personal observation: My right brain's imagination seems to be very dynamic and creative, but less clarity due to its dynamism. My left brain seems to imagine clearly and can hold the image for a long time until it become very clear and almost has texture.

    Conclusion: My right is superior, since it is very creative due to dynamism and it can give more life and emotion to my work, but slows down the pacing because of it. But, since I need to be logical as my profession as a mathematician, so I prefer to use my left hand.

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