
Panel – Artificial Intelligence & Robots: Economy of the Future or End of Free Markets

G. Stolyarov II

Gennady Stolyarov II, Chairman of the U.S. Transhumanist Party, participated in the panel discussion at FreedomFest in Las Vegas on July 21, 2017, entitled “AI & Robots: Economy of the Future or End of Free Markets?” The panelists presented a set of realistic, balanced analyses on the impact of artificial intelligence and automation.

For this event there was an outstanding speaker lineup, with moderator Michael Shermer, followed by Edward Hudgins, Peter Voss, Zoltan Istvan, Gennady Stolyarov II, and Eric Shuss.

The general focus of Mr. Stolyarov’s remarks was to dispel AI-oriented doomsaying and convey the likely survival of the capitalist economy for at least the forthcoming several decades – since narrow AI cannot automate away jobs requiring creative human judgment.

The video was recorded by filmmaker Ford Fischer and is reproduced on this channel with his permission.

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3 thoughts on “Panel – Artificial Intelligence & Robots: Economy of the Future or End of Free Markets
  1. Zoltan Istvan is a great guy, but sad to say he is far from a body transhumanist. Me tried shouldering himself into being regarded as the spokesperson of such (and he would clearly be better than nutcase Rachel, or that Darth Annissimov) but he was widely rejected for his staunchly far right libertarian, morbidly capitalist ideas. I would love to see a more balanced panel – a great addition would be the likes of James Hughes.

  2. Interesting that the first guy is so much in favor of labor in order to have people with enough money to buy things from the automated factories… Well that guy needs to work a few weeks in my factory or at the amazon warehouse down the road from me and see how he feels about labor and minimum wage and the excruciating long hrs working for an agency with no pension and no job security. The idea that the entire unskilled labor sector actually want work is a joke. Nobody wants to do that shit, they don't want work they want an INCOME. Difference. And if you think we can turn it around and have an education revolution leading to a world of highly intellectual workers in creative and entrepreneurial jobs then you have your head in the clouds.. Humans are not going to magically get smarter and more desirable to employ than intelligent AIs of the future. So i think there is a major problem looming.

  3. The first two speakers just fumbled aimlessly throughout their attempt to articulate. Then came a politician and at least he was clear about his intent with his campaigning demeanor Next up was a young capitalist whose grand idea is basically just a universal kickback. Lastly was the pragmatic Joe who whose ideals are ambitious but unrealistic.

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