
Peter Voss on Applying Artificial Intelligence to Intelligence Enhancement and Life Extension


At the Singularity Summit 2007 in San Francisco.


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3 thoughts on “Peter Voss on Applying Artificial Intelligence to Intelligence Enhancement and Life Extension
  1. Crime doesn't pay, and neither does obeying the giant sociopathic goal structures created by government. Government is largely run by power-seeking sociopaths. Sit in on a court case anytime, and watch a sociopath who doesn't care what happens to a victimless crime offense defendant, destroy that defendant. That's MOST of the 2.4 million people in prison in the USA "the land of the free." Of course, I agree with what Voss says here at the long-term general level, and some of the detail levels, but there will be a lot of needless suffering if the AGIs don't conflict with the sociopaths in governments of the world.

    Drones getting smarter is also a terrible aspect of "narrow AGI" or "neocortical processing only" AGI. (Such as Numenta's products harnessed by human sociopaths.)

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