
Peterson/Shapiro: Why Steven Pinker is Wrong about the Enlightenment


Jordan Peterson in talk with Ben Shapiro who is an American lawyer, writer, journalist and political commentator. He has written ten books, the latest of which is The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great.

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42 thoughts on “Peterson/Shapiro: Why Steven Pinker is Wrong about the Enlightenment
  1. The Enlightenment was a trust fund baby — the Scholastics and Reformers built the Western law system, complete with contract law, complex financial instruments, etc.

  2. Do they realize at 4:23 that such an statement is open for interpretation? People have use the same lines of genesis to justify (wrongly) why men and women are not equal (eve was the first sinner, god made adam and then eve, etc). It really depends. The bible said men and women were different until it didn't.

  3. This is where Stan’s law comes in: Every single human being is, on average, 50% full of shit, 50% of the time. If you keep that in mind about yourself at all times, you can reduce that percentage in yourself. If, however, you start believing your own shit… those percentages will actually increase.
    This is how whole institutional belief systems that spring up around unprovable supernatural events can gain the veneer of credibility. Eventually they gain a privilege of unquestionability. Then you have a purity spiral. I am not discounting the evolution of archetypical moral examples, integrated into systems that spring up around our ignorance regarding existential questions. I am discounting utterly any supernatural origin.
    Prove me wrong with actual evidence, lads. I actually agree with Peterson’s assessment of religious archetypes. If he thinks that they are divinely inspired… it’s not scientific, at a minimum. At a maximum it’s irrational. Therefore it must be kept out of government. This is the reason for “Shall not establish a state religion.”

  4. pretty much everything (not absolutely everything, but pretty much everything) since Late Antiquity sucks.
    Tabula rasa and Homo mensura is just reheated Sophism.

  5. Peterson and Shapiro, ugh, this is gonna be unwatchable. It's gonna be the unbearable woo woo parts of their personalities magnified and circle jerked.

  6. If one can't determine truth from within reality (from where did you determine as such to be the case), from where is one meant to judge truth Mr Peterson? Your platonic world view is found to be lacking.

  7. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. No good tree producess bad fruit. Build your house upon a rock. All teachings from Jesus that speak to the foundational principle that the starting point for life and the philosophy of life is of paramount importance. Build your worldview on anything other than God and chaos ensues.

  8. Jordan says to face the world with truth and courage. I agree, however as Pilate asked Jesus before his crucifixion the critical question to answer then is "What is truth". Jesus provides the clear answer when he declares to his disciples "I am the way, THE TRUTH, and rhe light. No one comes to the father but thriugh me". So I agree with Jordan that facing the world with truth (Christ) and courage is our highest calling.

  9. The statement that once a decision is made it is manifested in a deterministic manner is questionable to me. I disagree that once we decide something we no longer control the manifest action. We can decide to change at any point prior to the act, including after our decision is made to do it. What's done is done of course but up until that point we have choice.

  10. Shapiro and Jordan try to discredit reason by using reason. It’s a contradiction and fallacy. The reason why they are against the enlightenment and reason is because they want to hold onto religion. Old ideas die. Learn from them and where they went wrong.

  11. The Enlightenment was one of the worst things that Man has ever been through, and we've yet to recover or even recognize the problem.

  12. The judeo-christian religion is disgusting and anybody who has any measure of enlightenment knows this to be true. Moral purpose? you mean murdering the american indians and stealing their land?? What enlightenment are these idiots talking about. the American Indians shared their version of democracy. cant wait for the bigoted, racists, money grubbing christian religion to die. Religion has absolutely nothing to do with enlightenment. geeze the too idiots are remarkable morons….

  13. The pivot of western success was the inception of monogamous marriage. Most men will toil all day to support their kids.
    Childless men continue to run around killing each other where polygamy is the norm

  14. Fundamentally truth shares many of the same properties as mathematics. Each exists regardless of whether or not it is discovered, understood or valued. The power of both comes out of its application. The application makes each "Real" as they move from the abstract to the concrete but the truth exists regardless. Since human beings are mortal they must continuously rediscover that which has been discovered, understood and valued. There will always be movement between ignorance and enlightenment. Nothing is static.

  15. there are 2 statements in genesis that are of equal of them..maybe theres that what god used to create order out of potentially chaos, was something approximating a process that was characterized by truth and courage"

    …that wasnt a statement in genesis.

    …he presented no other statements in genesis.

    …he made no attempt to show how any 2 statements are of equal importance.

    He blabbered aimlessly while injecting some word salad that impresses small minded imporessionakel people into applauding him without knowing why or understanding anything he was saying…

    And then shapiro chimes in with "thats exactly right…and its also important to note…"

    And then he rambles off with some irrelevant unconnected nonsense about stuff that had jack shit to do with the nonsense word salad that peterson presented….

    But as long as you dont think about any of it, itll impress the fuck out of you so much that youll mindlessly defend all of it whenever anyone points out that it was all incoherent word salad gibberish with no actual point made nor any supporting arguments presented for it.

  16. Jordan, if you had criticisms of Pinker’s work, why the hell didn’t you raise them with him when you interviewed him??

  17. As Hume pointed out, there is a huge problem trying to use only reason logic to go from is to ought. In fact neither reason or logic can make first principles from tabula rasa

  18. The protestant reformation with ideas of religious liberties made inroads into the stranglehold of Catholicism religious control and intolerance. This weakened the Catholic Church and started an upward climb from the dark ages. Many opposed to God refuse to see or understand it was the spread of the truths of religious ideologies ( peoples must be free to serve or worship God as they see fit or understand )and ( the individual relationship with their God was most important than that of any collective agency such as the "Church") of the protestant reformation that allowed Europe to come of age in the enlightenment.

    Many God haters abhor the truth that true liberties, freedoms, are to be found in the sound teachings of religious liberty for all. Sadly the protestant reformation is dead and those that lay claims to it, have become like their mother the Catholic Church, intolerant and controlling of the individual rights and freedoms.

  19. As usual with psychologists both Pinker and Jordan take each (in my view) a position that is far to radical in regards to something that can't trully be proven. Whilst Dr. Pinker denies Christo-Judeic contributions to the emergence of Illuminist values, Dr. Pearson on the other side disconsiders Illuminism on the basis that some aspects like democracy, value for the individual (as seen in the antropomorphization of God) could not have risen, hadn't the underlying socio-cultural strutures provided by Christo-Judeic been set.

    Well, we did have Ancient Greece and classical thinking Dr. Pearson.

    As for the contribution of Christo-Judeic tradition, I believe that it is a STRECHT to say that the many, if not all, of the forefathers of illuminism whom were raised in some form or other of religious upbringing were not influenced at all by said religions.

    As usual the truth is probably somewhere halfway, with both or more "memes" (a little Dawkins for you 😉 ) eventually leading to the ideals we call Illuminism.

    (Ps. Sorry for the typos, haven't done much writing in english lately)

  20. What gets me is, didn't PEOPLE create the morality within religion?! So people do know about morals, they're the ones that put them into religion.

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