
Pewdiepie in the Age of Digital Reproduction

Mike Watson, author of Can the Left Learn to Meme, applies ideas from Water Benjamin’s “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” to internet trolls, Pewdiepie, and twitch streams.

Written and produced by Mike Watson

See sources here:

The video uses the following sources:

Music intro:

Venice Biennale opening:


Get out and vote: get out and vote

Broken film:

Videobombing the news


Germany pre war:

Germany welcomes migrants:

Pewdiepie on Southpark:

Family Guy:


Cartman laughing:

Podcast into:

Mona Lisa Corrupted:

Zero Books Logo Animations and other animations donated by Brian Cole

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38 thoughts on “Pewdiepie in the Age of Digital Reproduction
  1. I don't think his supposition that repeated viewings diminishes the "aura" of a work holds, even though I grant that the aura is a thing that exists for any good art.

  2. It's simple to understand why the Left can't meme: they are no longer the counter-culture. The baby-boomers' cultural mission has succeeded. Their Po-Mo values are now the moral norms. Defy them and prepare for a moral scolding on "hate speech." (No such thing as "sin" anymore). Sorry, Left. This is what comes from being the King. You get to wear the crown of power, but your days of jestering are over.

  3. Here in Portland Oregon we are watching the Red Terror creep closer and closer. SJW's backed by bullshit publishers like Zero, can't wait to start eliminating people in the name of "social justice". Censorship on these one world order platforms is intensifying and despite the crashing popularity of these cultural marxists who can't wait to see what sort of demented culture they can ram down our throats, youtube twitter et al insist on giving them a pass while all others are banned. Welcome to hell.

  4. Wow, you are challenging fragile, easily confused, validation-craving brains so hard. Stuff like that is a deep personal shock to the modern sub-life… (Yes, I call them that, anything. Just like the criminal or educational system, or logic and ethics themselves, such distinctions are totally consistent with the rejection of intrinsically invalid distinctions, merely striving for some aping appearance of such validity. Or in other words, you don't get it, but don't intend to get it, and as such you secretly know why you are called that… Or how's that, just ask your teacher, or remember, why you're undeniable trash. Which is the same.)

  5. This is rock-bottom quality incoherent rambling and nonsensical conspiracy theory. I thought this was the channel for Ben Burgis's content. I deeply hope that there will be no more of this kind of pure garbage on here.

  6. Next time you record something like this, record a layer of sound with no one talking; this is called room tone. Then, lay the room tone under the audio track with your vocals. That way it will stop that annoying sound of the mic going in and out every time the person speaks. Keep up the good work!

  7. This is completely wrong. You can't accuse Pewdiepie of being a 'racist' and call his ongoing channel a 'platform for racism'. Racists might follow pewdiepie IN SPITE of him not being a racist and not because he IS one, but that is not Pewdiepie's fault. Pewdiepie, if anything, is attacked because of ENVY and ignorant accusations of him being a 'racist' is the same as people saying that all whites are racists. The truth is, he does not take life seriously enough to be a full-blown political racist. He's from the generation of satire, gaming and irony. He's from the generation when Chris Morris was popular and you could make risque jokes as a critique of media as appose to it being a statement of your own political views. I think Pewdiepiw will one day be 'banned' and when he is it will not be a victory for anti-racism, it will be another sign that the control of political will is being wielded and we are stepping closer to the end of reason.

  8. whats this id-pol shit? where is the tankie-content i follow you for? the word racist was used nearly 100 times here, you did well, you did good and said nothing of value.

  9. it really pains me to see a leftist theorist make the same mistake as the passive rebelious lefties with no other program than to conduct an attack on what they deem are right wing patriarchal archetypes in culture and media. Those are, in reality, disjointed, quasi political shivers of a subject forced into a political sphere despite being deprived of an abbility to hold a political opinion.
    the task of the factual left, not of rebelious inane lefties ( to whom Mark seems to very undeservedly ascribe the name of th e left) is not to attack, and therefore unknowingly participate , in the topical layer of culture , that they themelves(!!!) part take in, and to later deem it revolutionary. The task of a factual, politically cogent left, is to construct an idea pf social change, and a profound form of relation to the status quo, via a theory which favors awarenesd of the base premises of the current conditions of the society, to which the inane lefties, and pathetic reactionary rightwingers are in fact reacting to. The task is definitely not conribute to the problem of social incohesion, shutting down of discourse and recoursing to grade school camp takin!
    muh previledges,! my white americuh!
    – hey thats racist and white supremacist, you are objectively evil!
    this is not right and left
    these are confused subjects that are a product of the vile conditioning by the culture industry , the task of which is an export of ideology which warrants material gains to the bourgeoisie.
    want to know who benefits the most from udentity politics?
    wealthy saudi oil magnates who own 15% of shares in US businesses.
    Want to know who profits from raciat and right wing memes? news companies, clerical institutions, gaming and music industry.
    This is the problem. The problem is that today no one who takes a stance in the commonnly laid forth discourse is either right or left. There is no factical political will nor deliberate program to go with the gesture there is only placing oneself within a carefully crafted landscape of mandates of the Capital dispersed onto thr society.
    There is hardly any class consciousness in it, since class consciousness assumes the knowledge of mode of production, and of condotions one is embedded in, not a passive participation in ready made ideologies already available . the onky thing that lefties do today is satisfy their own social superego by playing a game of chasing the meanie. We need an actual left,
    a left who knows how to step outside.
    Mark is not on his way to contributing to bringing about of such left

  10. Yes the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction is a great source for trying to grasp concepts of "high" art versus "pop" art, his definition of aura is one that always stuck with me. The layers involved in the aura of art including its space and place in time as an artifact, versus the reproduction of art being separate from that aura, and as diminishing that aura, is an interesting argument when applied to the digital real of image reproduction, and draws into question notions of aura and art being able to exist by those same standards in that realm.

    Benjamin's assertions (about art and aura) are definitely more interesting when considered with Baudrillard's notions of simulacra, with the question of "originality" and the nature of copies of copied images and how that constructs new meaning even without substantial change.

  11. Supposed exclusivity of classical art is weak argument. It wasn't all about portraits of aristocracy. Dutch paintings of 17th century portrayed ordinary Dutch people. Renaissance art portrayed people from different social backgrounds as well.
    If we look at modern abstract "art" then we find more exclusivity in it. There is more elitism in cubist paintings and "pop art" then in academic portraits. Such "modern art" lost all relation to society and to ordinary people.
    People went to churches, to public places, to museums to enjoy works of art in past centuries. Reproduction of old art is just reproduction of old art. It doesn't influence people's desire to go and enjoy authentic Rembrandt in museum. If you see something less, you appreciate it more.
    I don't think that mass reproduction is the main issue of modern "art". Mass reproduction led to mass entertainment culture. People are flooded by digital images of pop mass culture (which has nothing to do with Art), they are surrounded by informational noise. Memes, digital pastiches, digital designs – they are all dust that will disappear in history. It's like foam. Trying to look at foam in order to find meaning is meaningless.

  12. Moralizes about why something isn’t funny- I wouldn’t expect anything different from a leftist. You don’t understand humor, it’s involuntary and you can’t rationalize your way out of it.

  13. I'm gonna use this video as an example in my lecture on "how is left echo chamber destroying the left". Tnx for being retarded

  14. Good video. However, being left it doesn't clearly show it's agenda. I will summarize: Television and Radio were quickly censored when it was discovered that medium could be used by fascists to gain an audience. The gate keepers became the media giants that control the content. Or, the government in socialist states. The internet in the current form doesn't have gate keepers. Anyone can develop an audience. Coincidentally, the largest internet audience is PewDiePie (with 80 million subscribers) and a "dog whistling" right wing agenda that must be censored. Censorship will prevent the people from becoming NAZI. Letting people choose what to watch can't be tolerated. Hence, net neutrality which blocks licenses from smaller providers and the new EU internet censorship laws on social media.

  15. What the video doesn't acknowledge is that the majority of right wing appeal of Pewdiepie stems from the media's interpretation of him. He literally just looks at shitty (typically apolitical) memes in his videos. But then lazy journalism clickbaits his mistakes and labels him as a fascist, and when people take the time to hear his side they realize the reports are overblown. A lot of what's driving the ideologies behind the current far right is the idea that innocent white men are losing their rights, and to fight back makes you a monster. Without trying to legitimize that notion, I think it's obvious that those people see a famous white youtuber become victim to the progressive movement (in reality, bad journalism) and see a new champion.

  16. OP: makes video critiquing digital media aesthetics and their potential to overshadow the left's positions in political discourse

    YT production value pedants: dogpile on the slight technical and aesthetic shortcomings of the video

  17. You folks are taking Pewd's out of context like shitty out of touch small minded earnest liberals. Sure, no one should forgive Pewdiepie's stupid pranks, they were utterly tasteless and bizarre. But that's his whole shtick. A true leftie would investigate what Pewdiepie is doing most of the time. And then realise he's just a dorky stunted developmental kidult who got lucky on early youtube and doesn't really give a s__t about his subscriber count, and makes dumb clips and meme reviews clearly showing he regards Elon Musk as a joke (or at best a fellow dork), and that he clearly despises neo-Nazis's but doesn't have the social graces to artfully mock them, or know how to take the piss without offending sensitive libtards. He might not consider himself a socialist, but Pewdiepie has more in common with transgressive lefties than with the alt-right. It's just embarrassing to me when the left-libs criticize harmless dumb kids having fun online. Y'all need to grow up, learn what immature kids do for humour online (it's not polished, surprise), not be so sensitive when naive immature gamers get nazi references wrong or (admittedly stupidly or horrifically misplaced), and y'all need to fight against the true enemies, the oligarchs, the rentier capitalists, and the actual fascists.

  18. My poor little hometown of Christchurch just can't catch a break. The earthquake devastated the city, the economy had already tanked post-GFC, now we have fucking White Nationalist cunts shooting innocents in broad daylight.
    Happy little NZ, it isn't the slice of heaven it used to be.

  19. I think we should be careful who gets labeled as a fascist since it will lose its substance when incorrect judgements are made on people. There are fascists out there but Pewdiepie is not one. He is insensitive at times and reckless in the sake of comedy, and he might share some mildly conservative opinions. It does not, however, justify the use of such a strong word. Real fascist will start to disregard that term eventually as slander due to its frequent appearance on the internet.

  20. Please continue alienating normal people from the left by pushing this pearl clutching political correctness.

  21. PewDiePie is the bait the left keep swallowing. You could see him as a living proof of how out of touch the left really is. As long as they keep on attacking him the more he proves that, and the right don't have to do anything but open the door to get more sympathisers…

    (I don't even think he's very right-wing at all for that matter. It's just that he's got a massive need to confirm to the 4chan-crowd. And then later when the MSM started writing hit-pieces on him, he just continued to make fun about them.)

    EDIT: And this video sadly just proves my above points. It makes the same tiring mistakes every leftists does when discussing PDP, and that just undermines the whatever point the video was trying to make.

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