Consciousness Videos

Philosophy Reality and Consciousness – Reality is the mean of all Perspectives theory FP#001

The Foolish Philosopher

What if reality equals the mean of all perspectives of all conscious beings.

So if x = all conscious beings

Reality = perspectivex/x

Lets begin on an individual level. Each individual develops their own perspective based upon their unique individual experiences. This perspective is derived from that individual’s interpretation of their experiences through the lens of their personal senses. It is only via consciousness that the individual can begin to make sense of their experiences. What if consciousness has an entry price? Not only does it interpret what goes into the individual, creating who they are, also interpreting what comes out of the individual. What if consciousness is a system of reporting the individual’s perspective to a greater consciousness that is accessible by all conscious beings. It is difficult to argue against the idea that each conscious being affects all other conscious beings. Our behaviour and influence can change the behaviour and influence of others. This can work exponentially. If one particular individual has a wide reaching influence it is possible for their perspective to greatly influence the perspective many others.

What if the greater consciousness is a democratic system where each conscious being has their own vote. Each individual is constantly reporting back their unique perspective which is assimilated into the greater consciousness. These perspectives are collated and refined to a generic perspective. This generic perspective manifests as reality. Each individual’s less than perfect physical senses are reinterpreting that reality and re-reporting back to the system forcing reality into a constant state of flux. The influential individuals I was referring to earlier have the potential to influence so many perspectives that they can transform reality. Individuals like Jesus Christ, Martin Luther King, or John Lennon had the ability to cause major changes in perspective and therefore reality.

What this would mean is we are responsible for each other. Each human responsible for the construction of every other human being. Our beliefs, our behaviours, our influence constantly constructing and re-constructing the fabric of our human being and the reality we perceive. The question is what reality we will choose to construct?

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As Winston Churchill once said
“The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.”


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