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Physicists Proved the Universe Isn’t Real


Physicists Proved the Universe Isn’t Real
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When we sleep, we can hardly distinguish reality from a dream. So how do we know what’s real and what’s not?

To scientists, something is “real” if its properties are determined prior to being measured. An apple can be green even when no one is looking at it. But the quantum world seems to be following different rules.

And three scientists have recently won a Nobel prize proving our universe isn’t locally real.

But if our world isn’t real, what is this place we live in?

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46 thoughts on “Physicists Proved the Universe Isn’t Real
  1. Mainstream science is a patchwork of a never ending fractal being tied in with world religion to set up the Empire which doesn't resonate being out of tune so will crash because you can't get an absolute measurement of the Universe it's not made from mathematics you perverts so for the sake of privacy your not meant to know, you are creating abominations trying to desolate everything!

  2. So the reason we have resets every so often is because the "computer" reaches capacity. To many conscious beings. Reset it back down to 1000s rather than the billions we have today. Makes sense. Hopefully those that are ready go on to a better sim or out of the sim all together.

  3. x,y,z,+time
    IF there is a 4th physical ALL the info concerning quantum mechanics , particles, dark matter,reality would probably be irrelevant.

  4. If we call the One who designed this simulation God, then he could program himself into the simulation as Jesus and perform miracles and defeat "death", and while inside his simulation he could perform "miracles" within the simulation, and tell others how to best use their free will if they ever wanted to escape this corrupt simulation and join him in heaven (the base reality). He would tell you, yes there is a rulebook it's called the Bible. If you think the Bible is a "fantasy" then you don't know how a simulation works and that a designer can program whatever He wishes. He would say My kingdom is not of this world, which sound far fetched until you understand this world is a matrix and simulated. The Bible basically tells us this world is a simulation and is "winding down" and how the program will terminate (Revelations). He would program points in "history" where he sent angels or prophets to warn you of the termination of the simulation and what you must do to escape destruction. There would be Times of Divine Intervention when the simulation was "upgraded" to assist mankind, such as the parting of the Red Sea. Yes. We already know this is a corrupt simulation and that an evil virus has control of it, and that Jesus (God) came to help us be saved from it.

  5. it'd just be nice if we can get the solution at the end of our lives. like the a-ha moment before you close em forever or something… or we return to our actual own bodies in the "real" world :'D :'D :'D maybe it's all just really the matrix… where's neo???

  6. How can a falling tree make a sound (vibrations that travel through the air or another medium) without any device (such as an eardrum and brain to process the information) to hear it? Colors (different wave lengths of light) also don't exist in nature, without a brain to process the information into an image inside the mind.

    There is plenty of emergent phenomenon in the world at large ,where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Individual water molecules aren't wet, yet wetness emerges from many, but not at any distinct point. We should expect the quantum world to have even more emergent properties, because it obviously emerges into the world at large. Although, not at any distinct point to be measured. How can the crossover point ever be known when there is no distinct point in emergent phenomenon. For instance, biological evolution. Nothing changes into something else. Humans just pick arbitrarily random points of change to categorize things. Life is really the ever dividing first single cell.

    Randomness and emergence seem to go hand in hand and the quantum world is very random.

  7. The universe is real, at least in part, and it's local. How do I know? Because the universe does things at times local to me, and many times, the equal and opposite reaction is that scat hurts. I know the universe is real because it believes in my pain.

  8. It means that there is conscious/observable levels which we are missing and can be seen. If we can move from observable levels we can be anything we want.

  9. So there might be some intelligence on moon what they see earth or not the same observable intelligence as we have. But exist . Irrespective where we exist there is a observable point for some group. So observable point on consciuos point is different for different group. Also there might be other observable points in the same earth, but we don't see those group. At the same time each individual has its own observable points/conscious points that he observes as well.

  10. Does it mean that all humans who are not real, but we are at an observable place called earth and all the humans are at the same observable point and seeing the same world.

  11. Even the Einsteins of Einsteins will never work this out..All science is limited by the finite limited mind. If you do experience 'God' it will be outside of time and space.. so carry on with your theories if you have to or just live in the present moment…thats all we have…enjoy.

  12. Ok but you said 2 coins went out an she got heads that means she automatically knows he has tails that’s not right tho. If there is 2 coins his can still land on heads or tails js like hers did js because she got heads do not mean he’s coin will land on tails js asking 😅

  13. 2 questions/observations:
    1. Why/how would Anna "instantly know that Luke's coin should have landed" on the opposite of what she got? Based on what assumption or principle? She could very well suppose that his coin landed on the same side as hers, couldn't she…?
    2. The boxes with colored stones inside – if a person is told that the stone inside the box in front of him is either black or white, opens the box and sees a black stone of course he/she would correctly guess what color stone is in the other box immediately. Without needing to receive any "entanglement information". Please explain if I am missing something here.

  14. No matter what point in time in human history, we always believe that we can brake down the mystery of existence based on the scientific knowledge that we have achieved so far. And because we are now able to simulate realities ever more realistically with ever more powerful computers, we get the idea that reality also just might be a simulation. Think about, just as an example, it probably never would have come to anyone's mind to to propagate the existence of UFO's before we started building spacecrafts.

  15. No they haven't. They only prove they are bought off to spew BS and not actual science. When you believe nothing is real than nothing matters including your mental enslavement.

  16. Obviously you are living in a simulated universe. The Pentagon and CIA knew this 75 years ago. The Chinese Communist Party woke up in 1997. You are living in a simulated world with Alien Beings inside a simulated universe created by Alien Beings.

  17. KỲ diệu
    Vũ trụ chúng ta có điểm sinh đầu tiên, và có điểm sinh cuối cùng.
    Bất kỳ 1 điểm nào nằm trên đường đi, từ lúc mới sinh cho tới điểm sinh cuối cùng đều nằm trên center line. Đều Là điểm trên quỹ đạo. Nên chúng đều là ảnh của vũ trụ.
    Tức chỉ cần 1 điểm trên người ta đã chứa cả vũ trụ bên trong. Ko cần cả bộ não

  18. Not even close baby. He got paid by a toddler that walked out of the first matrix and started believing it is an accurate depiction of reality to claim this idiocy. 😳

    All your senses scream the opposite why would you believe lies by delusional dipshits? 😅

  19. Then the scientists are not real. Sounds like the woke mobs description of truth. The scientists have become so entrenched in their quest for answers beyond God, they have become insane.

  20. Ive got photos i personally took of cable lines that extend out of nowhere leading across the sky endless some are short. you can see that some are decrepit and broken and the others are new.

  21. If one is spin up you know the other is spin down. But spin up is clockwise and spin down is cntrclkwz. Instantaneously you know because a wheel appears to rotate clockwise seen from the right and cntrclkwz seen from the left. Watch the cars going right the wheels rotate clockwise. And watch the wheels on cars going left. The wheels rotate cntrclkwz. I thought you all knew that.

  22. Read The Law of One.

    The theory presented there is congruent with everything we know from physics and science in general, and it's astounding considering it was written back in the early 1980's.

    Basically, you can deduce from it that the universe is part of many. Each can be seen to be a playground where the creator experiences himself/itself on different levels of consciousness, which in analogy to what we know, is like a human trying to look at himself in the mirror through various angles. From the lowest level of consciousness (simple chemicals) to the highest levels (being one with all – the dimensions of the spirit).

    It fits perfectly with quantum physics if you consider the following:

    1. Reality is indeed "not real" until measured, or rather influenced, by consciousness, since the sole purpose for anything to exist is for an observer to experience.

    2. Because there are multiple (or rather, infinite) combinations possible for every vertex/point in time and space, each different possible route is explored, through infinitely branching parallel universes.

    3. The exploration of such possibilities, and the reason they exist, which is also the reason why the universe doesn't seem deterministic, is because the creator wanted to grant all of his lower levels of consciousness Free Will, or at least the illusion of it, as a solution to the All-Knowing God paradox. You cannot truly know yourself without willfully losing your all-knowing power and also your omnipotence, as that would be like watching a movie which you already know the ending to. This gives more meaning to the exploration itself. Hence, when you send agents that are fractals of yourself, each at varying levels of "seniority", you eventually get a complete picture of what you actually are, which you cannot get if you are at your default state, which is complete and perfect.

    4. We are all part of one being. That being is the creator. He/It is within all of us and we are a part of it. Evolution of consciousness means evolving towards this understanding. This means that if/when the Earth were to evolve so that we would act as one being, if we were to direct our will, our thoughts, towards a certain outcome, that outcome will manifest in reality, as the probability of it occurring will have increased significantly. This is congruent with Quantum Physics as well, if you follow it to its logical conclusion.

    This is all covered in The Law of One. It will blow your mind like no other book you will have ever read in your life.

  23. Observable universe is going to be smaller…
    Is reason quantum mechanical so that our observations would not cause too big a reality?
    If the universe is expanding faster than the light the observable area becomes smaller and smaller.
    If the light is moving with this expanding universe, then measured from some distant reference point the light would be moving faster than the light…
    Or maybe it's the uncertainly principle applied to the universe. The more accurately you measure the universe the smaller it gets.
    And once humans could not observe this areas after billions of years they couldn't say if they became dead as schrodingers cat or got just happier or sadder than here.
    Happiest planets having larger amounts of nitrous oxide in their athmosphere…

  24. So obviously the galaxies are conscious and know where each other are wow that's an amazing feature life will continue for ever thank you God .

  25. Physicists Proved the Universe Isn’t Real" 🤣
    Destiny, you're so full of crap running with such a misleading title, no scientist/physicist has ever proved that to be the case.
    I didn't even waste a second of watching on your video..too much of clickbate title to be worth checking 🤷🏻‍♂

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