Consciousness Videos

Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection 12 of 18

Tom Campbell

Tom Campbell here — If you find something of significant value in our videos, please consider supporting their production through our Patreon account — or through a one-time donation……the links are in the description below…thank you! **

Video Description: Tom’s First Public Lecture on MBT — London Lecture
Physicist and consciousness researcher, Thomas Campbell, Discusses the nature of reality in terms of consciousness – this video logically and scientifically explains the normal and the paranormal, mind and matter, physics and metaphysics, philosophy and theology.

Tom Campbell here — If you find something of significant value in our videos, please consider supporting their production through our Patreon account — or through a one-time donation……the links are in the description below…thank you!

LINKS Tom’s Patreon ** One time donation link thru PayPal (no PayPal account required) Tom’s website Binaural Beats Tom’s events, online events, programs, and binaural beats. Twitter Instagram 501 c 3 Center for the Unification of Science and Consciousness
Supporting the completion of Quantum Physics Experiments

** Tom Campbell here…I and MBT Events hope you liked this video — we now have well over a thousand hours of free video on this user-friendly ad-free YouTube channel. Though these videos are free to our viewers, they represent many thousands of hours in production and editing, and many thousands of dollars invested in video and audio equipment along with the required computers, and software to store and process the raw video into finished products. So far, all of this content has been funded directly out of our own pockets. Be assured, we will always continue to do what we can — it is our life, our purpose — a labor of love that we will continue to pursue as best we can. However, those pockets are not as deep as they used to be, thus, we are now seeking to augment our resources with support from our viewers.
If you find something of significant value in our videos, please consider supporting their production through our newly created Patreon account — or through a one-time donation……the links are in the description above…thank you!


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11 thoughts on “Physics, Metaphysics & the Consciousness Connection 12 of 18
  1. Electromagnetic Energy is used to move the Cores into the positions they are in, and then they organize themselves in the Galaxy so that they move faster and faster by using Electromagnetic Energy, and the structure of the Galaxy helps them because not only can they move themselves with their own generated Electromagnetic Energy, they can also use Gravity Assist, and all the cores assist each other so that they all move faster and faster and grow more and more, that is the very reason for the structure of the Galaxy, so all the Cores can get together and maximize their speed while using the least amount of energy!

    Inline image

    With this, you can use Electromagnetic Field Generators, or also called Magnetrons, or even Microwaves, similar to the parts in a Microwave Oven, and you can build Electromagnetic Spaceships that can move across the Galaxy very easily, much faster than the speed of light!

    Also, you can build Crystals that Generate FREE ENERGY! Completely FREE ENERGY, No need for Fuel, Solar, Wind, Air, Water, Nothing! There are Crystals that Generate COMPLETELY FREE ENERGY – (of course they are on planet earth and the planet is moving through space – remember! MOTION OF MATTER EQUALS ENERGY!!! – so because the FREE ENERGY CRYSTALS are on planet earth and earth is moving through space, this generates ENERGY, AND ITS FREE!)

    The amount of technology we can achieve is nothing short of Star Trek, or Star Wars, we could have many Planets, we could have food replicators, we could get rid of the terrible Animal Cruelty that is in use today, Industrial Farming is terrible

    We could truly be free.

    But, believe it or not, there is suppression on this planet that is keeping us here for reasons I don't think you can handle

    You want the truth, you can't handle the truth! : – ) Remember that great line with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson.

    Anyway, I don't know how much you study science, and I really don't understand why so many people don't have the basics about science, well actually I do, I wrote a paper call "The Engineering of Human Ignorance" and basically the conclusion is that there are systems in place to keep people uneducated. Through the School Systems, through poison in the food and water, fluoride is proven to dumb people down, along with the many many other chemicals being dumped into all food, from the GMOs, to the pesticides, all the poison is deliberately designed to make people sick, tired and dumb.

    And when you have the Power Elite of this Planet controlling EVERY aspect of society, from the Corporate, Media, Governments, Schools, Churches, Medical/Pharmaceutical, Drug Companies, Street Drugs run by the CIA… etc – I mean think about it…

    We live in the best Country in the World, yet we can't figure out how to deliver safe drinking water?!!! Think about it! The best, smartest most affluent country on the planet, but it's not safe to drink from the Water Tap!!!

    Anyway, I think you should do some research on your own. When you say, "What practical purpose does it have" – its funny because that is what others have said on some of my posts. But the truth is, the conditioning on this planet has told everyone that freedom is impossible, and I guess that is what is taken for granted. It's all about perspective, and I know you realize there is some crazy things going on from Ritalin, GMOs, MSG, etc etc etc

    The question you need to ask yourself is, is it possible that Orion Michael Guy can see the function of the Universe from top to bottom.

    If you have a problem with that, that is okay. So does EVERYONE else.


  2. At around 7:30 you state that you can't take a pill or read a magic book, that it ahs to come from within. But can't a pill 'awake' you? sort of spêak? can't it be the catalyst to get you into these things?

  3. @bugmusk6 I think it is necessary for our spirits to change form when we die. What happens? Who knows. Doesn't matter either. You'll experience it when you die. Probably for a very short period of time.

  4. Ok now that you mention theology…when you say your big TOE explains the fundamental questions, do you mean the big questions, like who are we, why are we here? So the answer is we are individuations of consciousness, here to "grow up" or learn/expand/evolve?

  5. I do not know if there are alien ufos maybe but there exist ufos build by human beings. The Nazis developed them during the second world war under the concept of free energy by Viktor Schauberger.

  6. I can't help but not block anything out, but I'm too loose sometimes. Know what sensory gating is? Sometimes I have flooding open gates for all manner of perceptions. but my attention jumps around erratically at times. i guess i'll just keep on keeping on for now! I am enjoying these videos!

  7. i actually constantly think about breathing. i often think off and seemingly forget about my bodily sensations, posture, and volition. I'm too busy trying to piece together my poverty into ease and time for self-exploration, because I know I need time to understand and need time to be me for me. in my "psychoses", I so rapidly parallel process without any understanding of what I'm hearing that I go a little or a lot nuts, but my body becomes so alive and able. I love motion and balance.

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