
Plantinga – Dennett 3


Alvin Plantinga (Notre Dame) delivers a paper at the 2009 Central Division of the American Philosophical Association in Chicago, entitled “Religion and Science: Where the Real Conflict Lies.” Daniel Dennett (Tufts) comments.

No, this is not my recording, but yes, I was at this talk (I actually ask the very first question in the Q&A (I didn’t express myself well, but Plantinga seemed to get the jist). I tried to record it, but my camera wasn’t working. So I found this recording online, and thought the YouTube community might enjoy.


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5 thoughts on “Plantinga – Dennett 3
  1. Im stunned that A. Plantinga refers to Michael Behe at all let alone multiple times. Behe has thoroughly disscredited himself with childish unwarranted conclusions eg comparing the flagellum to an "outboard motor". If one were to do so, the efficiency of the outboard motor over the flagellum is plain to see. Its even more ridiculous when compared with Helecopter/Chopper with Contra Rotating Rotors.

    Honestly that argument is worse than the Argument from the Banana by Ray Comfort.

  2. @kommissarw Plantinga is proof positive that -granted your ambition is circumscribed to becoming the most formidable representative of certain boneheaded outlying views- academic philosophy is not a wit more intellectually demanding than brokering real estate.

  3. This is exactly why philosophy is dead when it comes to helping us understand the natural world.  Plantinga is clearly an intelligent man, and he is incapable of recognizing Michael Behe as a fraud.   

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