
Polyglot Speaking 8 Languages

Luca Lampariello


In this video I make a live demonstration of me speaking in 8 languages at different levels of proficiency.

These languages are English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, and Russian.

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36 thoughts on “Polyglot Speaking 8 Languages
  1. Ed eccolo qua il messaggio che avrei dovuto mandarti 9 anni fa! (io pensavo fossero addirittura 10…) Finalmente ho avuto il piacere e l'onore di conoscerti di persona, e va benissimo così! E come dicevamo, speriamo di riuscire a ritrovarci presto. Bis bald, 再见, à bientôt, またね, ecc.!

  2. This is amazing that someone can grasp 8 different languages and speak them well…much respect!!…ich spreche genug deutsch und auch wenig spanisch und ich interesse mich auf französisch und du hast mich doch motiviert, französisch zu lernen…all the way from the U.S🇺🇸

  3. Hablas 8 idiomas, eso está muy bien. te felicito. I'm learning to speak italian and portugues languages, to me it's really important to keep leaning more languages. Estou muito contento de falar mais linguas porque eu quero seguir compartilhamento meu conhecimento com as pessoas do mundo. Io sono di Messico e io sto imparando parlare l'italiano. Saluti. Di dove sei?.

  4. Dear friend, of course, russian is very difficult. It is well-known even by me who is russian myself. But you're very good in your way. If you need any help or have questions about russian, you can write me for asking and I answer you with pleasure.
    Best regards!

  5. Du har uppenbarligen ett mycket gott språköra. Du har rätt melodi i din svenska. Med lite mer övning kommer folk att tro att du är svensk!

  6. Oh wat leuk! In het Nederlands hoor ik nauwelijks een accent, een hele mooie uitspraak en deze video is opgenomen 10 jaar geleden. Ik ben er zeker van dat u nu nog beter spreekt! Chapeau! По поводу русского языка, наверняка уже и его хорошо выучили 👍

  7. Wow 😮 just saw this video in 2020…so young and your English is good even though now, 2020, its way better. CONGRATS 🎉🍾🎈🎊 on you improvement Luca!!!

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