
Prerequisites for Artificial Intelligence: AI Jobs

Springboard India

In this video, find out prerequisites for Artificial Intelligence. Hear from Swiggy Data Scientist, Pavithra, about skills that the industry expects in AI interviews followed by tips on how to fulfil the AI jobs requirement.
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Machine Learning Prerequisites for Beginners

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Hey guys, today we have Pavitra, she is a staff data scientist at Swiggy, we will be talking to her about her journey into data science and what she does at Swiggy being a data scientist.

Ok so now that you said that anyone, you know if they are willing to work hard and if they have the passion to acquire the skill, they can do it right? Does this also mean that there is or you know to frame it another way, is there any prerequisite required to learn or acquire the skills the skill of an AI engineer? Is there a prerequisite in terms of your education background or and is there a prerequisite in terms of your education background?
I think yes, you can, right. The thing is your domain knowledge also helps. Let’s say for example you have been working in finance, right, but you do not know software coding that much, you can still learn AI. AI is not just about coding, it’s about how you understand the model and how are you going use that model as a tool to get to your solution or to get to better answers, etc. right. So, if you have good domain knowledge it can help you. If you are a software engineer for a few years or you are just a fresher you are just coming out, you can still do it. So its a different kind of skill set that is needed, there is no prerequisite saying that I have to do these 10 steps and only then you know even look at the first course or first video that will make me an AI engineer or a data scientist. I think it’s not true. I think there is no prerequisite per say. See, for example, yes the market might look at people who have a formal education but what if, I mean when I am interviewing candidates I have seen that if they don’t have much experience, I ask them conceptual questions, have you got the concept right, how do you use it as a tool. If you are an engineer, right, let’s say you have a lot of experience as an engineer, then you must be good at problem-solving, right! And that will come as a wonderful tool for you to do it. AI is another concept to be learned and whatever knowledge you already had, it works. So, I just want to give an example, so there is something called a fast.AI, ya, you know wherein doctors participate. There are also some course I have seen in Bangalore itself where there are people from finance, they don’t even know the basics of software coding who come and said that they are really scared about what they do but I have seen them work on models and bring out solution within like a week or two, right. It not like they have really worked hard at it or they have just like mugged up books and everything of all sorts. They were just there, they understood the concepts, they just had this confidence that they could do it, whatever they wanted to do they could get there. So I don’t think you need a prerequisite, I think its more about your passion to learn and you can get there.


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