Consciousness Videos

Preview: Ignite Your Codes of Consciousness

Wholistic, Elena Bensonoff

Join the Powerful 7-Day Illumination Retreat, Hosted by Elena Bensonoff, Quantum Energy Practitioner

Ignite Your Codes of Consciousness!

Elena received a Divine message from Source that, at first, she thought was for her personal path until she realized that the information is meant for all of you as well.

Prepare for the New Paradigm: Our world is entering a time of great transformation. As our Earth shifts into a new paradigm based on love and peace, so must we! At the core of this awakening is a vibrational frequency shift. The animal kingdom, plant kingdom, and crystal kingdom have been vibrating at a higher level of consciousness for ages.

However, human beings are some of the lowest vibrational beings on the planet. It is vital that we do all we can to reconnect with Nature and our Divine Self to rise up in harmony as One.

Many of us are answering the call to do deep inner work to prepare for the new paradigm in order to anchor into the 5D reality.

Follow the Path to Illumination: We are given a Divine mission to raise our level of consciousness and help raise the consciousness of the collective. To achieve this, we must clear our bodies and minds of energetic blocks and debris so we can uncover our inner gifts, and ignite our codes of consciousness that will elevate us to a higher level of being.

I have arranged the guidance from Source into 7 days of illuminating content, delivered in Divine doses of meditation time, powerful activations, video lessons, and Sacred ceremony. Each day is designed to nourish your body, mind, and soul with wisdom, love and light.

Join the Online Retreat!


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