Consciousness Videos

PROOF OF HEAVEN: NDE, Heart of Consciousness & A Mindful Universe with Dr. Eben Alexander

Passion Harvest

In 2008, Dr. Alexander was driven into coma by a rare and mysterious illness that attacked his brain.

Dr. Eben Alexander spent over 25 years as an academic neurosurgeon.

Over those years he personally dealt with hundreds of patients suffering from severe alterations in their level of consciousness. Many of those patients were rendered comatose by trauma, brain tumors, ruptured aneurysms, infections, or stroke. Dr. Alexander thought he had a very good idea of how the brain generates consciousness, mind and spirit.

Dr Alexander spent a week in coma on a ventilator, his prospects for survival diminishing rapidly. On the seventh day, to the surprise of everyone, he started to awaken. Memories of his life had been completely deleted inside of the coma, yet he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm – more real than this earthly one!

His journey brought key insights to the mind-body discussion and to our human understanding of the fundamental nature of reality. His experience clearly revealed that we are conscious in spite of our brain – that, in fact, consciousness is at the root of all existence.

Dr. Alexander’s story offers a crucial key to the understanding of reality and human consciousness. In analyzing his experience, including the scientific possibilities and grand implications, he envisions a more complete reconciliation of modern science and spirituality as a natural product.
Dr. Alexander has been blessed with a complete recovery that is inexplicable from the viewpoint of modern Western medicine.

Dr. Alexander has written several books, including Living in a Mindful Universe, : A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife
The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion and Ordinary People are Proving the Afterlife

Since his NDE, Dr. Alexander has dedicated himself to sharing information about near-death experiences and other spiritually transformative experiences, and what they teach us about consciousness and the nature of reality. He continues to promote further research on the unifying elements of science and spirituality, and regularly teaches others ways to tap into our greater mind and the power of the heart to facilitate enhancement of healing, relationships, creativity, guidance, and more.

This is his story, and this is his Passion

• Dr. Eben Alexander’s NDE experience in coma
• Proof of Heaven
• Awareness of the Divine Sanctum
• Brain mind consciousness
• How can consciousness awareness survive the death of the human
• Awakening of the scientific world – a synthesis of science and
spirituality – the fundamental nature of consciousness
• Quantum physics – living in a conscious universe
• The Supreme illusion – created by the brain and mind
• Philosophy of the mind
• Why do we come to this life? Why are there so many hardships in life?
• Reincarnation
• The power of prayer
• Transpersonal psychology
• Where do people go when they die?
• Why do people have different NDE experiences and what is the
commonality between all NDE’s
• Brain Entrainment – Acoustics – sound frequencies to go into deep
transcendental states Differential sound frequencies – sacred
acoustics – Music as a portal
• The power of meditation

HOST: Luisa

INSTAGRAM- @passionharvest










Sacred Acoustics

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Robert Munroe – Journeys Out of the Body

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35 thoughts on “PROOF OF HEAVEN: NDE, Heart of Consciousness & A Mindful Universe with Dr. Eben Alexander
  1. I have came across him before, his story is amazing. I was truly amazed at who the girl turned out to be. I love this channel, its really interesting hearing what people experience. I have no fear of death now

  2. Dr Alexander's testimony is fascinating and probably a comfort to many people. I wonder if the realm he visited could be investigated using lucid dreaming.

  3. A testimony like this happened to my aunt five years ago, when the doctor diagnosed her with a brain tumour that compromise her spine and a surgery was very risky because she had other health conditions. The doctors said if she survive, she could be paralyze or any worse condition. The day of the surgery, the whole family and friends around the world were praying for her. After six days when she came back and open her eyes and said a jok, the doctors and nurses were surprise to hear her voice and facial movements normally. To make the story short, my aunt is alive totally fine, enjoying life with family and friends and thankful for God's love. We know the greatest of God, it was a difficult moment but God listen always our deep prayers.

  4. The whole world, needs more people like Dr. Alexander and his testimony, now more than ever. When the influence of social media, tv, radio, tv, etc. forgot that the only way to have a better world is GOD.

  5. You talk to fast with too many words. People want to know heaven is real. People want to know their time on earth had real meaning. People want to know they are going to meet Jesus. Talk about that I want to hear that from you.

  6. “Beware the coming great deception’. NDE’’s saying you can reach Heaven without accepting Jesus as Lord and saviour. ? Think about it please.

  7. If you read the bible, you would be aware that Satan can produce this stuff. We are told to test the spirits. Ask if they are from Jesus. I’m sorry but I am afraid you are doing the devils work. I read your book when I began my search. At the time you drew me in. However, I went deeper and found the truth. lYou might enjoy Gods book?

  8. I really love your videos; as I listen to your guests I find myself smiling and often nodding my head. Watching intelligent and well-respected people like Dr. Alexander speak about NDE’s (and you politely interviewing!) gives me hope and comfort. Since my early teen age years (and now 60+ years later) I have always felt that there is so much more to this thing we call life, and your “eye opening” discussions help. I am sure that prepping for and creating your programs is time-consuming and, perhaps, stressful at times. But _ thanks_ for all you do; we all appreciate your *passion*! Take care and please stay healthy!

  9. Dr. Alexander talks about old souls verses a new soul just beginning can be self absorbed & full of ego, but who creates the new souls? How do they come into being? Where do souls come from?

  10. My Father had an NDE in WW2. He was a Royal Marine Comando (41) and their landing craft was hit. He was on a Red Cross ship lying with the dead. A medic checking the dead were really dead, saw my Father partially blink & then rushed him down to surgery & he was operated on. He witnessed the entire operation from the ceiling of the operating room & saw dead relatives. As a result he had no fear of death & shared the story with me before he died. He wrote a short account.

  11. Wow..and wow.. Who knows one day you could interview another scientist by the name of Tom Campbell. He is a proponent of a view that our physical reality is a subset of a much larger non physical reality. He frequented that non physical reality at will.

  12. Passion harvest. One can hope and pray that NDE's are part of a world wide spiritual awakening leading to a spread of God's love throughout the earth.

  13. He’s my favorite human in the whole world, lots of love. Pray for me anyone sees this comment. Thank you million times, bless you all.

  14. I loved it!! Also on your last video someone left a comment under my comment that was saying that he thought anyone that believed we lived without brain was stupid basically he was negative so I directed him to Eben Alexander. So funny that your next video was him! Much love🙏🙏🙏

  15. I got a real kick out of this guest! Listening to a physician in discovery of ancient understandings is a riot! (Not pejoratively)
    You are always the gracious hostess! I actually watched this TWICE because he spoke so fast dropping so many books and names!
    You really kept up well, dear Luisa! Thank you, as always.
    Pax vobiscum ❤ xo

  16. But if I dont Want to be here, I feel I'm being forced. I remembered when I was 4 years old that I was back here again and I was very upset as that tiny child and yelled out NO NOT AGAIN!! I've thought all my life that if I come back again I will commit suicide as soon as I realize it no matter how young I am, and I'll do it over and over again a million times because I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! EVER! And I've had a Great life with Wonderful parents and children and nothing bad that makes me want to leave, but I literally hate this place no matter how good I have it. I want to go home and stay there! I feel like I'm in the lowest realm of pure idiocracy!

  17. Thank you. I have listened to Dr many times always so well explained. I love your video. Always so inspiring. I have had a out of body experience my soul left my body when I was very sick. Had cancer in my bowel . My soul went downstairs hovering behind my daughter and two grand children while she was cooking and talking to her children. Then all I remembered next was my soul entering my body. It was slow coming in and felt huge to the point I thought I was elevated over my mattress. But no it was just so huge . Felt like my body was flat as my soul entered felt like air put in a huge balloon. Best i can explain. Then i felt peace and fell asleep. Love you bunches for all your beautiful videos. I'm still searching wondering if more happened to me. But nothing more comes to me.

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