Consciousness Videos

Proof that We Live in A Fake Reality & That Consciousness is Behind the Veil


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The results of the double-slit experiment varied depending on what the observer expected (believed). That is, people who expected to
see waves saw waves and those who expected particles saw particles and the wavicle people swore they observed wavicles.
In other words, the results depended on the observer’s belief. People saw what they expected. This is how powerful
belief is. The experiment also proved that we live in a fake reality – one that manifests via belief.


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6 thoughts on “Proof that We Live in A Fake Reality & That Consciousness is Behind the Veil
  1. Comment Misconceptions Addressed

    Dear everyone who pesters me under this video:

    Read this thoroughly before commenting and don't reply to this comment. I want it as a standalone. Thanks for your cooperation.

    I'm an odd combination of "really sweet" and "don't mess with my channel." Over zealous optimistic faith in people is what turned me into the faultfinder I've become. If you want to comment, be on topic, be direct, and limit your comment to a single short paragraph. To the non-thinker, science hater, Pseudo-skeptic and adult child AKA Troll: Never pick a fight with the Administrator. It's futile. Firstly, I'm not effected by chronic meaningless drivel, nor my channel, nor the truth I present. Secondly, all ridiculous comments are duly disposed of. Trolling is an improper use of the web. Just leave your thumb down and shove off. For the newbie, if you don't understand something, please restrain from commenting. This is done for the sake of truth and spreading wisdom.

    The comment section is strictly a discussion forum platform and will be treated as such. Don't waste your time trying to troll my videos. I get little praise anyway though the truth movement is not here to win popularity contests.

    I give two thumbs up back to all who donate their time and who share this video. Y'all rock, have a kick butt day !! in Jay Essex words. Proceed with love, Rajasea Chester Richard Arvin Zoroaster Tsariasea, b. February 8, 1974.

    "Each of us lives dependence and bound by our individual knowledge and awareness all that is what we call reality, however both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. Ones reality might be anothers solution, we all live inside our own fantasies."

    That's a very muddy way to explain a dream. Life is truly just a dream. Leave it there. It's nothing more nor less. And there's no reason to paint a dream one way or the other when dreams are rather quite infinite. The only guidelines are universal laws. Pi is always pi. Phi is always Phi. Pythagorean theorem, law of balance, etc, too. We don't live inside our own fantasies, but rather quite the opposite, we live in collective consciousnesses. We're connected in each dream. It's one big pool of consciousness. The Akashic Records goes into much more detail, but bottom line, we live in a (day) dream, no less than our dreams at night where we also see but without eyes.

    "Deeply intrigued to say the least."

    And it's just one of many matrix glitches that expose the true (deep) fabric of our fake whirled.

    "We live in a fake reality. It's a starwarz reality out there."

    Yep, but it's all from the INSIDE – between the six inches between the stereographic microphones and behind the two cameras we're conned by. There is no "out there" anywhere. In fact our cameras and microphones are fake. Everything is fake save consciousness. It's not deep, but that we've been so utterly brainwashed is why it seems deep. What's deep is the opposite – the con game. Everything is witchcraft – in our fake reality.

    "It's a fake world."

    It's a fake world alright, but a fake concave world complete with simulated gravity … "as the world turns."

    "Thought creates YOUR reality."

    And belief and focus. And what OTHERS think, believe and focus on comes true FOR THEM. So if you believe God is behind your successes, it can work for YOU, despite there being no God (for others). You cannot undermine the power of belief. The fact that there is no god, yet people believe there is and yet are made successful by that belief attests to the power of belief. So bottom line is that BELIEF IS EXTREMELY POWERFUL. So powerful that the church took out the followup after the "ask and ye shall receive" passage which was: "ask … coupled with the belief of a mustard seed that it will come true … and you shall be able to throw mountains into the sea." The bible was huge supporter of our true "Akashic Records reality." That is, ancient mythology in the bible was, until the church butchered the bible throughout the millennium.

    "Exactly and what the light does when no one is watching is the true nature of the light."

    That only reinforces the point of the video that intention and focus alters reality. Thanks. But your assumption has no backing outside of that point because how could you possibly know what light "truly is" if no one is observing it? So you make no sense.

    "But you have two kinds."

    No comprende. In the AR reality, there's only one (full) soul per reality. A fully-souled version of yourself cannot be in two realities at the same time … you cannot have a half soul here and a half somewhere else nor can you have multiple souls
    (soul=sole=one). You doppelgangers (void of soul) fractal robotic versions of yourself exist in trillions of realities. There are cases where people have seen their own doppelgangers as two parallel universes mesh for a few seconds. I have an uncle-in-law who seen himself in his own house. This is possible because parallel universes are near-identical with your doppelganger living nearly exactly the same

    "One's you know about. One's you don't."

    You only know about one at a time. Some people can remember another reality, but that's like 0.01% of the population.
    Of course we can remember a few of our (nightly) dreams and the last dream vividly within ten seconds of awakening from the dream … for me anyway.

    "Subliminal programming."

    Something like that.

    "Subliminal conscious controls behavior."

    And etheric influences – in the mythos of this "reality" we call life.

    "So would the moon seize to exist if no one looked at it?"

    Good point … or just any common physical thing for that matter like an apple for example. Here's what happens. Google "The Mandela Effect" and "The Akashic Records," you'll find that the more our "collective consciousness" focuses on something, it not only becomes more real, but the belief too as opposed to something where the beliefs are split, dodgy or void completely and the first time looking at it, such as seeing light being split for the first time. "We are the creators." That is, our thoughts, focus and beliefs greatly influence this illusory "reality." Scroll up for more on this. So since so many people around the world constantly see apples, 24-7, and no one disbelieves apples exist, they continue to exist. If the entire world (including animals) could agree that there's no such thing as apples, and I mean REALLY believe so – and then forget about apples, our consciousness would eventually shift to time streams in the Akashic Records where apples didn't exist and indeed there are such worlds where indeed apples don't exist. So powerful that the church took out the followup after the "ask and ye shall receive" passage which was: "ask … coupled with the belief of a mustard seed that it will come true … and you shall be able to throw mountains into the sea."

    Now the Mandella Effect only cements the Akashic Records view of reality whereby many of its 1000 examples are subtle changes where few people no longer put there attention. You don't find major changes like the sun is missing today, but only mild changes where the sun appears whiter today. You don't have America's Got Talent becoming Japan's Got No Talent because too much focus is still on that tv show. I think you get it by now. If you have any further questions, I'd be glad to help answer them. Thanks for stopping by, MLH.

    "The slit was not done with light and the observer was no observer but a device that was made to detect electrons not light."

    And? You've missed the entire point of the video which is simply that MULTIPLE results were observed/recorded. The video and commentary under it discusses this at length.

    "How do you observe light without interacting with it. A single photon does not emit other photons, so you can't see it."

    Pick up a science book sometime. Not everything has to be seen … with the naked eye for its presence to be detected. There's things called devices.

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